Thursday, August 4, 2011

For Anonymous

The don't believe the costume came over from Germany with Gunther, but as you can tell by the clip below it was similar in style to the jacket he wore for the riding act in Germany. The "scroll embellishments" on the jacket for sale are classic "Don Foote/Eaves-Brookes" and most likely made for GGW's premier appearance on American shores.


  1. Wade,

    the video footage is from 1966 (Spanischer Nationalcircus). I actually have a picture of Mr. Gebel-Williams holding exactly this green jacket in his hands ( see ) The picture was taken 1968 in the German town of Krefeld.

  2. Marco,
    Thank you for that information. I never recalled seeing the jacket except in pictures his first year in America, and assumed it was a Ringling creation. The costume jackets for the Hawthorn elephant/tiger/lion riding act were the exact style made by Nudie's of Hollywood.
    How many Euro do you have? I'll go halfsies with you on the jacket, Marco. You can keep it for 6 months, and then I get it for six months.

  3. Wade, you probably know this. But just in case you don't. On YouTube type in: NBC Gunther Gebel-Williams on Late Night with David Letterman. It will lead you to a wonderful 5:52 minute interview that took place on 5/21/83. So far, not many people have viewed it. --- ToddP

  4. Todd,
    Thank you for that information. No, I was not aware that the Letterman interview was available on you tube.

