A Blog designed for discussion of topics related to, but not limited to, Circus, Zoos, Animal Training, and Animal Welfare/Husbandry. Sometimes opening up the dialog is the best starting point of all. And if for nothing else when people who agree and don't agree, get together and start discussing it, it will open up a lot of peoples minds. Debate and discussion even amongst themselves opens a window where there wasn't one before.
I anxiously await Mr. Alexander's comments regarding this photo. He has informed us in the past Floyd Smith of the St. Louis Zoo played a part in building an elephant show for the Detroit Zoo. A large difference from the Michigan zoo's philosophy regarding elephants today.
I anxiously await Mr. Alexander's comments regarding this photo. He has informed us in the past Floyd Smith of the St. Louis Zoo played a part in building an elephant show for the Detroit Zoo. A large difference from the Michigan zoo's philosophy regarding elephants today.