Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day Everybody, In Particular Every Fortunate American Citizens.

Today every free American needs to thank a Veteran, a Soldier, and their families for what we have, and every free American needs to remember why we have what we have, and what was sacrificed for us to have it. At the very least, set your beer down, turn the grill off, and honor and thank them with a moment of silence. It's not about your good time, your day off from work. It's about who gave to you.


Anonymous said...

I just love it when I am privledged enough to stop and shake their hand and say thank you to them In person.
You can certainly see how much that simple gesture does in their eyes as well as the smile it puts on their faces.

Personally - i can not understand why more Americans
don't take the time to show our military the apprecaition that they and their familys clearly deserve.
It is sad that "we the people" don't do more for our man and woman in uniform and their familys. I know it's NOT about the $$ for these heros - but just look at how much we pay them - NOTHING in comparison to those we elect to office - and those politicians are just talking heads - that CLEARLY do not deserve the paychecks they write to themselves year after year .

So next time you come across anyone - past and present that is a member of our armed forces - please take the time / and tell them how much we appecaite all they do !!

Wade G. Burck said...

The only disappointment I have in our nation, is the treatment of returning soldiers and veterans. I have always felt the government should provide them and their families with a fine home for life, one car, and the choice of where they want to live in this country they protected. They should be exempt for taxes, other then state tax in the state they chose to live in. The family of any soldier permanently disabled or killed, should be provided for in a superior mean's for the rest of their natural born day's. That's minimum. A good place to start in acquiring funds is to initiate an income tax of an additional 8% to any American citizen who net's more then 5 million dollars a year, and has never served in the Armed Forces, and an additional 25% from any draft dodger who was permitted to come back home. Almost daily I will see an older, beat up vehicle or one that is not running well with a Purple Heart license plate parked in amoung Lexus's, Mercedes, or the greatest of all travesty's Hummer's. There is something wrong with that, real wrong, and at moment's like that I am not happy with the United States of America.