Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Magic Mountain--Available for Purchase

Above is another "Bamboo" date unknown


  1. Again, could this have been Morgan Berry's Bamboo before she went to Seattle?

  2. While mucking through to prevent the institutional system, perhaps this is another scribe error on the back of the photo and this elephant is actually 'Bimbo.' If so, this would be Charlie Gray's breeding bull Rex!

  3. Radar,
    Wait a minute!!! Are you trying to convince me you can see it's testicle's from where you are at?

  4. I take elephant identification to the extreme.

  5. Radar,
    Apparently. Given past conversations, I would have never guessed you even knew where to look for elephant testicles.

  6. Wade,

    Contacted Jack Ryan and he sent me the following:

    You jogged my memory. The park for a while had a baby elephant named Bamboo. A man named Frank Lamping was in charge. I don't recall what happened to the elephant but seem to remember it wasn't around that long. Would be mid 1970s, 1975 or 76 most likely. I staged that photo with the young elephant and old movie lion named Major so it would have be after 1974.

  7. Radar,
    So now we are back to square one. Where did Bamboo go? Is it as incredible to you, as it always has been to me, what a "wild west, cowboy" world the world of exotics used to be. Very little paperwork, no records necessary, etc. etc. If you study the history in the over all scheme of thing's, the exotic business was long over due for some type of regulation.

