Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Edinburgh Zoo Elephant Ride

Year unknown. This looks like a male, but not a very nice one. The tusks are awful weak looking.


Douglas Richardson said...

This is a picture of a very large Asian female called Sally who live at Edinburgh Zoo from 1939 to 1980. She had no visible tusks when I worked there in the 1970s, although I remember her having one tusk when I was a kid. It always struck me as odd to see an Asian female with such long visible tusks. Prior to her death, she was listed as the largest captive Asian female at just over 9 feet 1 inch tall in the Guinness Book of Animal Records, 2nd edition.

Douglas Richardson

Douglas Richardson said...

Correction: in my recent comment about the height of the Edinburgh female Asian, Sally, being in the Guiness Book of Animal Records (2nd edition), I was mistaken. I checked and I it was an elephant seal that was listed at Edinburgh, not an elephant. That said, Sally was still over 9 feet tall, a very big female.

Douglas Richardson