Welcome to the first year of Lambton Lion Park, which is the newest great game reserve in Britain and designed to service the Tyne Tees conurbation. The site chosen is initially 212 acres on the south side of Lord Lambton's beautiful estate at Chester-le-Street, Co. Durham, close to the boundary formed by the A183 from Chester-le-Street to Sunderland. This undulating, heavily wooded estate with a romantic castle at the centre acts as a perfect backcloth against which to exhibit Africa's fauna.
It was at the beginning of 1970 that Lord Lambton, landowner and politician, first met Jimmy Chipperfield to discuss the possibility of creating a safari park on the Lambton estates. Since then has followed their partnership and also much careful planning before the first turf was cut in the building operation. Their efforts culminated in July 1972 with the opening of the Lambton Lion Park.

This new safari type zoo, evolved so successfully by Jimmy Chipperfield, gives to those who may never be able to visit Africa the opportunity of driving amongst and studying wild animals living in conditions not so very different from their natural habitat. In the safari park concept the human beings are the caged ones, whilst the animals roam free. This is an important innovation, and one which eminent zoologists now recognise as a likely basis for future zoo development. This type of zoo also provides almost ideal conditions for the establishment of of breeding groups and thus contributes towards the conservation of threatened species of African wild life. It also offers facilities for the study of various species and their relationships with each other in the freedoms of spacious reserves.

1972 saw the beginning of one of the major attractions in the North East, the opening of Lambton Lion Park on 212 acres of Lord Lambton's Estate.
At this time, the park exhibited many types of exotic animals and had as its aims, conservation of wildlife, through the study of exotic animal husbandry. Providing educational facilities for schools and at the same time a venue for faily leisure activities, in beautiful surroundings with picnic areas, restaurant, licensed bar, adventure playground, etc.
Due to its great popularity, it was realised by 1975 that the concept needed some modifications if we were to adequately cater for the large number of people spending their leisure time in the park, with the consequent traffic hold-ups, sometimes three miles long.
To this end, the park was redesigned and renamed Lambton Pleasure Park, this allowed us to broaden the scope of our activities and accommodate more visitors, new animals are still being added as they become available and we are still having many breeding successes.
We retained some of the large areas enabling the visitor to drive through and see some of the world's most exotic species roaming freely as in the wild, and we also constructed large paddock areas, containing some of the more domesticated species, so that here the visitor could leave the car and walk round seeing these animals as in a zoological garden and picnic in safety. This year the visitor will notice the new entrance over a cattle grid which we hope will enable us to acquire and maintain more of the exotic species.
A further development last year was the Magic Castle and Fairy Tale Museum, to which this year we have made additions.
This has been one of our most successful projects, children enjoy the fantasies of their dream world, adults marvel at the intricacies of design and animation.
Another interesting feature is the Lambton Airways plane, which the visitor can board and enjoy some of the thrills of flight.
I have never heard of the Lambton Lion Park. Hopefully, Jim Stockley or Jim Clubb can offer more insight into the facility, which was a short time later called Lambton Pleasure Park.
In 1974, when I went to Uganda to bring back the 25 elephants for Great Adventure in NJ, I was there in camp with Richard Chipperfield.
Wade, Lampton Lion Park, was in County Durham, in the North East of England. The park was opened on the Lampton estate, and I have vague memories of visiting the park as a child. I remember elephants, a couple of very large rhinos and of course the lions. I believe the park closed in 1980. Gary
Welcome Gary,
(Gazrob Gary, not the farrier from Texas named Gary Hill, LOL
Thank you for your additional information and recollection, and I hope you will visit and comment on the circusNospin often.
would you sell the 2 Lambton books? I went to a party at the estate and would offer you something for the booklets. Anne
Thank you for the offer, but no, I would not sell any of my zoological memorabilia. I cherish is too much.
The Picture of the lions being fed was taken in 1977. The young lad with the mop of hair was me David Dunn!
I was living in Belmont at the time and won a 'Journal Fix It' competition. I wrote (and had to post a postcard) asking to feed the lions at Lampton.
It was an amazing day with the highlight hand feeding the lions from the Landrover, I also fed bears, giraffes and had a play with a lion cub called Khan.
Such a shame it closed, I would loved to have taken my son there
Welcome, and thank you very much for your insight.
Wade Burck
My father was a game keeper at the park, he worked there for a while and i remember going to help him with the park chores, shame it closed
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