Monday, December 1, 2008

If GGW is the Lord, this women is surely the Lady of the Rings

Arguably the most beautiful liberty harness ever


Casey McCoy Cainan said...

I would disagree with that statement. Aside from talent, ability, showmanship, and what not, GGW was a perfect looking human specimen. This woman may have been that in her prime, but that is obviously not the case in these photos. Even GGW quit playing dress up at some point, and I am certain it wasn't for lack of ability.

Wade G. Burck said...

I knew both of them before and after. GGW was not "the" GGW when he retired and when he made his ill fated comeback. None of us are. If his health had permitted he would have never quit playing "dress up" and neither would she. It was/is truly in their blood, no phony, "it's a lifestyle about it. These pictures are from the late 90's, shortly before she quit playing "dress up." How they carried/carry themselves in the ring is what made/makes them what they were/are. There are "troupers", and then there are Lords and Lady's, and they were truly Lord and Lady.