Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Martin Lacey Jr.

Courtesy of Stefan


Anonymous said...

Wade, thank you.

Stefan, thank you.

Much nicer than that Romanian deal from last Thursday.

Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
In an effort to be fair, and to try to get folks to not go ga ga blind, as it is called in an equine breeding shed, count Tonga's fangs.

Anonymous said...

Wade, I watched the beginning and near the end several times. Is the lower left missing?
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
Lower left and right. The point is if he was an unliked guy, or from a smaller show people would point out things like that. Big show lot of flash does not stop you from being dirtier then most. The flash blinds people, in all walks of life. Always look very close don't just assume. I am not saying a thing negative about Martin, just saying that people can be fooled by the surroundings and publicity, and good ones can be denigrated without it. Martin has females, they are a lot different then the males you saw on the other tape.

Anonymous said...

The first time I saw that one of the fangs is missing was in June or July 2007, at that time only one of the fangs was missing. I visited circus krone a couple of months later in november and by that time the other fang was missing too.
