Thursday, November 13, 2008

Circus Barum menagerie


Anonymous said...

The polar bears you see later went to the Jim Clubb act...

Anonymous said...

Wade, I see some of those black-maned "Barbary" lions, and I noted the lion and tiger cubs housed together.
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
Housing lion and tiger cubs together is very, very common. That's how you condition a mixed act, which is revered as difficult as it mixes "natural born jungle enemy's in the same arena."

Ryan Easley said...

Forgive my ignorance - is keeping adult lions and tigers together difficult to do? Or is it along the lines of individuals, they history, and how they were conditioned as cubs?

Ryan Easley said...

Forgive my ignorance - is keeping adult lions and tigers together difficult to do? Or is it along the lines of individuals, they history, and how they were conditioned as cubs?

Wade G. Burck said...

As cubs, no more difficult them keeping keeping Poodles and Cocker Spaniels together or Asian Elephant babies with African Elephant babies on through adulthood.
Attempt to get adults to live together who were not raised together, and you are going to have some heavy issues. Not quite as heavy issues in the larger zoo enclosure, but a few issues none the less. The same heavy issues you would have if they were adult tigers, adult elephants, adult horse, etc. etc. etc.
I did want to forgive your ignorance, but how can I when you post the same thing twice. LOL

Ryan Easley said...

I didn't know I did that - my apologies. You censor the assholes, why not the dumbasses? lol