Tuesday, April 8, 2008

For Mr. John Cooper, Here are the 2 posts that corrected Mr. Herriotts wrong comment directed at the Cassellys on the Monte Carlo thread January 8, 2008

Anonymous Wade G. Burck said...

I think "Johnny" is mistaken about the 2 elephant act's being the same. Anybody else know anything? If not, it took some skill to make that crap with the dog, look like the Casselly act of today, and kudo's to them.
Wade Burck

09 January, 2008 12:11

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to clarify, 2 African elephants and dog s WENDEL HUBER. 4 African elephants and plenty of good acts RENE CASSELLY. I see Wade is in good form maybee get off the internet and train some more tigers. Thanks Buckles, i hope Mr Burk never looses his internet connection close to you hes the best on the web.

09 January, 2008 18:48


Anonymous said...

Serves me right for coming in to a conversation part way through.

Going back a bit, with regard to the inability of some elephants to raise their trunks, I think the shots you printed were of John Gindl (note the spelling!) on Bertram Mills rather than on Billy Smart's.
Yasmine Smart was in awe of John Gindl, so may have some recollection of any comments he may have made about the "problem". Maybe one of you could contact her on Big Apple before the end of the season.It's more than likely that she will be returning to Europe to be closer to her mother, her father having died within the last 12 months.

Circus Dictionary? The Circus Friends' Association of Great Britain produced such a publication about 3 years ago, and I contributed quite a bit to it. Obviously missed a few things in the American section!

John Cooper.

Wade G. Burck said...

No apology necessary. The reason why this blog was conceived was because of many misunderstanding that were caused by the censorship of Buckles Blog. One sided stories are very unjust and harmful, often leading to "stereotyping" which is the greatest injustice of all. The shots printed were printed on Buckles Blog as Billy Smarts. I just referenced them, but will correct it on this site.
Yasmine Smart is one of the most talented horse trainers around, and I for one regret losing her on the American Circus scene. Some we will give back to you gladly John, and some we might fight you for. LOL
I have come to the conclusion nobody in the circus want's to address the trunk issue, only use it to cast aspersions for there own agenda. In addition to words in the circus dictionary, much has be missed in many, many years of written/spoken history.
Stay in touch,
Wade Burck

Wade G. Burck said...

No apology necessary. The reason why this blog was conceived was because of many misunderstanding that were caused by the censorship of Buckles Blog. One sided stories are very unjust and harmful, often leading to "stereotyping" which is the greatest injustice of all. The shots printed were printed on Buckles Blog as Billy Smarts. I just referenced them, but will correct it on this site.
Yasmine Smart is one of the most talented horse trainers around, and I for one regret losing her on the American Circus scene. Some we will give back to you gladly John, and some we might fight you for. LOL
I have come to the conclusion nobody in the circus want's to address the trunk issue, only use it to cast aspersions for there own agenda. In addition to words in the circus dictionary, much has be missed in many, many years of written/spoken history.
Stay in touch,
Wade Burck