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Sunday, December 9, 2012
Los Cabestro Translated--Halter or Headstall
Cabestro synonyms: halter, bridle, rope/noose, muzzle, bozo/meek, castrated, eunuch
Translated by google from Spanish:
The halters are bulls, usually of a breed used for meat, castran two years to facilitate his dressage. After castration they go through a three-year apprenticeship, which is divided into three phases:
1 Imposition of the cowbell, instrument which influence his psyche makes manso, being the typical tanido peacemaker, because without the cowbell is a bull of truth.
2 Of rodeo or confrontation.
3. The third stage is the specific phase where are taught the mission that will play during his lifetime: "Stirrup", "troop", or "Horse". Mission going to play mainly in the field, responsible for the relocation of the wild cattle of a few fences to others.
The headgears of "Stirrup" going to the sides of the rider to protect the flanks of the onslaught from the bulls. Of "Horse" will be at the tail of the equidae to protect their "rear". And finally the "squad" are those who surround to bulls and cows favoring rhythmic driving to the sounds of cowbells, since they tend to be the ones who take them because other types of halters often wear bronze bells.
But they will also act in the squares of bulls in the Act of desencajonamiento and where necessary to move to the Braves, nervous even though these halters are because different dressage object that its mission is to lead to pens to the bulls returned by Presidency during the development of the celebration. Normally tend to be six which are called: "light" that in head, mark the direction to follow. "Arropadores" which as its name suggests, clothing to del Toro and finally "arreador" which is which castigates.
But where the halters acquire great relevance is in the encierro of Pamplona, because they are those who lead and clothing to the bulls, by opening and closing the herd. The oxen of the closure known travel because they repeat it every morning, setting the pace sustained the herd, helps clear the way - especially on days where there is a great density of runners - and quite possibly with his language and behaviour will help to soothe the nerves of the bulls that are not in your field. As if this were some, two or three halters broom sweep the tour a few minutes more late in order to pick up some bull that has been off the hook of the herd as a result, generally, any unwelcome fall.
The oxen's closure would have to be, as well as effective, beautiful, that it is the same as saying even, in good meat and with the same color of layer, being more advised the pronghorn in black or colorao, so that they can be differentiated from the bulls in the herd by the public that the presence of the race both riderswhich is currently very large by the retransmission of televised closures. Possibly you have time that someone comes to mind erect a monument to the halters for everything what they mean in the world of the Bull.
Conditions to meet the Halter are: temperament, good head and intelligence. The best are the moruchos.
They tend to be males of autochthonous breeds of meat, morucha in Salamanca and retinta in Andalusia.
Castrated males of these breeds can exceed the 800 kilos and have enormous antlers, although tame, they sometimes have some traits of bravery that are created are originated by the crosses with wild cattle which were formerly practiced in livestock farms. The cornate by halters that sometimes have serious consequences are not uncommon.
Morucha cow
This is a tough and hardy animal that is reared in extensive, and whose main purpose is the production of meat, although some oxen are used as halters. Their size is medium, and their coats are the usual black and purple uniform. Presents the nose pigment, so it is said to be a dark race, in turn has a great body harmony and proportionality.
Translated from Wikipedia:
Halter is called a bull, a breed generally used for meat production, which are castrated at age two for ease of dressage. After a long process of learning is used in the herds of bulls for different operations related to the management of wild cattle in the field. They are also used in the arenas to drive back to the corral to the bull when the circumstances are not suitable for the fight and in the cages and Pamplona to open and close the pack and point the way to other animals.
The halter is a bovid meek for being a different race from the bulls and the effect of castration as some believe.
According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, an ox is a castrated bull, while a halter is a tame ox herds used to guide the toradas.4 five traditional functions are ox meat production, drag loads and pull the plow for farm chores, while the halter is used for farming bravas to facilitate handling of the bulls for fighting.
Therefore we can say that a halter is an ox trained to be used for a specific purpose in wild herds. All halters are oxen, but most are not cattle halters.
Beef breeds used as halter
The term does not designate a race Halter specific as already explained. They can be used different breeds of cattle for this purpose.
Some of the most used by their natural aptitudes are the Pied Pied red and black. Neutered males of these breeds can exceed 800 kilos and have enormous antlers, though gentle, sometimes have some bravura traits that are believed to be caused by crosses with wild cattle which formerly practiced for farming. Are not uncommon for oxen gored sometimes have consequences graves.7 8 However excessive bravery in halters is not recommended as it reduces the facility for training.
Another race that is sometimes used is the Morucha that grows mainly in pastures in the province of Salamanca.
Berrenda de Colorado
With a weight not exceeding 600 kilos, specimens of this breed have a white and red coat of unequal distribution. Typical race of the western provinces of Andalusia, its docile nature is useful for use as draft animals and as a halter for handling cattle bulls.
'Being an Animal Trainer for over half of my life, I have always been fascinated by the history of animal training, becoming somewhat of a student of the various uses of animals in man's daily existence. The use of an animal for something other then entertainment, is particularly intriguing to me. Falconry, Temple/logging elephants, elephants setting up tent's, horse's pulling wagons, horse's to move cattle, hunting dog's, camels moving Bedouin villages, etc. etc.
I had always wrongly, come to find out, thought that the sole purpose of the steer's was to lead/push a toro to a certain place, using basic bovine behavior, much in the same way cowboys used to "drive" thousands of head of cattle across the United State's to market. I am amazed, dumbfounded actually, to learn that the
Cabestro's are trained to have a specific function, or place/position, in the moving of a toro from one area to another. Fascinating also, is that "Cabestro" translates into Halter/Headstall, a piece of equipment used for leading or controlling a herd animal. For folk's who morn the "poor, poor, bull tortured by the matador," let me clear it up for you. That "poor, poor bull" is not Elsie, the Borden Dairy cow, that you grew up with as a child. No, this is a male bovine, loaded with testosterone, bred for centuries for his wildness and savage spirit. The 1968 release by Steppenwolf, "Born To Be Wild" could have been written in honor of a toro.
I watch nitwit's attempting to lead,drag or be drug, their clipped up, sweater wearing "Fluffy" through Central Park without an incident of him fighting or running away, and am amazed that they will pass judgement on these men, their profession, and the spectacle of a bull fight. Much as they do in regards to my profession. Go away, animal activist. Don't bother them. Come back, when you have half a clue about what you profess to be an expert at. Get a medical degree, then tell the doctor how to open a chest.................'
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