Zookeepers around the world, facing limited capacity and pressure to maintain diverse and vibrant collections of endangered species, are often choosing between two controversial methods: birth control and euthanasia.
In the United States, the choice is contraception. Chimps take human
birth control pills, giraffes are served hormones in their feed, and
grizzly bears have slow-releasing hormones implanted in their forelegs.
Even small rodents are included.
Cheryl Asa, who directs the Association of Zoos and Aquariums’ Wildlife Contraception Center
at the St. Louis Zoo, said euthanasia was not a comfortable fit for
zoos here. “On an emotional level, I can’t imagine doing it and I can’t
imagine our culture accepting it,” she said.
Dr. Asa sees contraception as a better approach. “By preventing the
birth of animals beyond carrying capacity,” she said, “more animals can
be well cared for.”
But in Europe, some zookeepers would rather euthanize unneeded offspring
after they mature than deny the animal parents the experience of
procreating and nurturing their young.
“We’d rather they have as natural behavior as possible,” said Bengt Holst, director of conservation for the Copenhagen Zoo.
“We have already taken away their predatory and antipredatory
behaviors. If we take away their parenting behavior, they have not much
So he and many of his European counterparts generally allow animals to
raise their young until an age at which they would naturally separate
from parents. It is then that zoo officials euthanize offspring that do
not figure in breeding plans.
This spring, the Copenhagen Zoo put down, by lethal injection, two
leopard cubs, about 2 years old, whose genes were already
overrepresented in the collective zoo population. Leopards are
considered near threatened by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.
But as part of a breeding plan to maintain the genetic diversity of
this species, the cubs’ fate was determined before they were born.
“We promised the species coordinator that the offspring would never
leave the zoo,” Mr. Holst said, meaning they would not be bred with
leopards from other zoos. The Copenhagen Zoo, he said, annually puts to
death some 20 to 30 healthy exotic animals — gazelles, hippopotamuses,
and on rare occasions even chimps.
The thinking is that this strategy mimics what would have occurred in
the wild, where some 80 percent of feline offspring die from predation,
starvation or injury, he said.
Terry Maple, the former director of Zoo Atlanta and co-editor of “Ethics on the Ark,”
said that while he knew of no studies assessing the importance of
raising young to animals’ health or well-being, observation indicated
that most zoo animals are motivated and protective parents that play
frequently with offspring.
He acknowledged that American zoos once focused more on the intricacies
of breeding endangered species than on their day-to-day well-being, but
said this was changing. In meticulously planning their populations, Mr.
Maple said, zoos will eventually avoid a surplus of animals and ensure
that most breed and raise offspring. “I am not saying management
euthanasia is wrong,” he said. “It is just not the best solution.”
International guidelines on the ethics of breeding zoo animals have been
elusive, in part because philosophies vary, said Dave Morgan, chairman
of the Population Management Committee at the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums.
The African association of zoos lists euthanasia as a population
management tool, whereas the precepts of Hinduism and Buddhism make the
killing of even terminally ill animals difficult.
Both the United States and Europe tolerate the euthanasia of feral cats
and dogs. Euthanasia is permitted under the American zoo association’s
regulations, but is mainly reserved for ill or elderly animals, said
Steve Feldman, the association’s spokesman.
Although reliable data on the use of contraception is not kept by zoo
associations, officials say that it is much more prevalent in North
America but that it is starting to expand in Europe.
American zoos began developing contraception for highly fertile animals
like lions in the 1970s, after breakthroughs in human birth control.
Contraception use then expanded as it became quite difficult for zoos to
sell or give away animals they could no longer accommodate.
This kind of family planning meant males and females no longer had to be
kept apart to avoid unwanted pregnancies, which was ideal for the
transition to more natural zoo environments. There were benefits, too,
for zookeepers: hormones in contraceptives given males can take the edge
off aggressive behaviors surrounding competition for a mate, which can
result in mayhem and unsettle visitors.
There was a time when no one could have imagined that contraception
would be needed for the Mexican wolf, a species hunted nearly to
extinction in the 1970s. Zoos began with only seven survivors and bred a
captive colony of nearly 300 wolves, saving the species. Ninety-two
were reintroduced into the wild by the federal government starting in
1998, but then four years ago, the government used up the limited space
that had been allotted for the program in New Mexico and Arizona.
So, for the last four years, birth control has helped the zoos breed
selectively to maximize genetic diversity but not run out of holding
space — or Mexican wolves — as a compromise is worked out with the
Genetic diversity is key to long-term species survival because it
prevents inbreeding and preserves a broad array of traits that animals
might one day need to survive in the wild.
Birth control is used for more than half of the female Western lowland
gorillas held in 50 or so American zoos, said Kristen Lukas, who runs
the species’ breeding plan for the zoo association. It enables a young
female to stay in her family group without the danger of producing an
inbred offspring.
Contraceptive science for most exotic animals, Dr. Asa notes, is not as
advanced as for apes, which are more closely linked to humans. And side
effects can and do occur. Large cats and canines on early hormonal
implants were susceptible to uterine infections and tumors. Other
animals like elephants have trouble restarting their reproductive cycle
once they come off birth control.
European zoos that prefer euthanasia cite health risks of contraception
as well as the enrichment of parenting — although putting down an animal
can sometimes be controversial.
Denmark embraces the policy and is very open about educating its public.
Germany, by contrast, allows euthanasia only in “reasonable”
circumstances, which can be hard to define, said Lesley Dickie,
executive director of the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria. A
few years ago at Zoo Magdeburg in northern Germany, it was discovered
that a male tiger was a hybrid of two tiger subspecies, rendering the
cubs it had sired genetically useless. When the three cubs were born,
the zoo euthanized them immediately.
Dr. Dickie characterized the decision as “courageous,” but animal rights
advocates disagreed and had the zoo director and three employees
prosecuted for violating the euthanasia law. They received suspended
Even when zoos wait to euthanize animals until their parents have had a
chance to raise them, questions can come up. It might seem suspiciously
convenient for zoos to destroy an animal just after it has completed its
most adorable phase — given that baby animals are a top zoo attraction.
But Dr. Holst emphasized that the timing is dictated by nature.
Zookeepers know it is time when the young leopards start picking fights
with their mother.
“It may be painful for us,” he said, “but more natural to them.”
Courtesy of Mike Naughton
"I have an issue with allowing an animal to give birth, raise it's young, and then euthanize those young. I don't think that is being realistic. If eventual re introduction to the wild was a possibility, then yes, retaining the birthing, raising ability is important. But, I don't believe the eventual re introduction for a vast majority of species is possible. It is a wonderful thing to imagine, or work towards, but it just isn't realistic. Any more realistic then thinking legal, licensed hhunting, with it's 80% revenue infusion into wildlife conservation, should be banned.
It's a good day because I learned something. I was not familiar with the term "anti-predatory behavior." These links below pretty much explained it for me. Interesting, how a word or term enters our vocabulary."
Gone But Not Forgotten: The Persistence Of Anti-predator Behavior
The loss of anti-predator behaviour following isolation on islands.
Collective anti-predatory behaviour in animals groups (Gregory Kohn)
This is fascinating. Thank you for sharing. Two very different perspectives on the same goal.
ReplyDeleteThe allowing of reproduction that is carried out in Europe is real problematic for me. While the theory is acceptable, the reality just really seems like a long, long stretch for me. But, overpopulation/inbreeding in closed environment such as a zoo or national park is very much a reality and surplus need's to be addressed or birth control administered. No other options.