Monday, May 28, 2012

Ringling Bros. Barnum and Bailey 1940

Any idea's what this wagon was used for and what pulled it?


  1. I believe this is a wagon used in the Marco Polo spec (1940). It carred a spotted hyena. That was the only hyena on RBBB during the years I saw it under canvas and I have no conscious recollection of seeing it back then.

    Now, Barnes -Floto did have them when it came here in 1938, and I do recall seeing them in its menagerie.

    Only hyenas I recall seeing on RBBB were on the Blue show in 1990. There were two striped ones in the mixed act owned by Clubb

  2. RJR,
    You do not know how good it is to hear your voice, in a sense. I have been very worried about you, and am grateful I will be able to continue to sip from the jug of knowledge, friend. I hope all is better, or soon will be.

    Welcome back, master.

