Friday, April 20, 2012

The Prince of Wales

King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom, then the Prince of Wales, on a tiger hunt in Bengal, India 1922.

The Prince of Wales, holding rifle posing with membes of his party and a dead tiger, during his tour of India 1875-1876

The Prince of Wales tiger shooting. Harper's Weekly 1876

The Prince of Wales chased by a wild elephant. Harper's Weekly 1876

The Prince of Wales mounting his elephant at the old palace of Lushkur, Gwalior
Harper's Weekly 1876

'What an exciting, wonderful, amazing time and place this was. I would give anything just to be transported back, for one day.'


  1. Do you think the Prince of Wales issued an "unprecedented public apology" for this hunting trip?

  2. Radar,
    Of course not, he was the conquering hero. But, I bet had he been a fortune teller and had been able to foresee his descendant Prince Charles taking to Camia about "tampons" on the telephone, he would have probably eaten his own gun.


  3. Which Prince of Wales? The Duke of Windsor disgraced himself far more than Prince Charles. Sincerely Paul

  4. Paul,
    You are kidding me right? Prince Charles telling Camia, via phone conversation that he would like to be the "tampon between her legs," far exceeds the Duke of Windsor giving up the crown for the love of his life, a commoner, married or otherwise.
    You Canuck's(don't give me "transplanted" crap, A. You are a Maple Leaf pal.) who were subject's for so long, have to get over that deal. The man was in love, it didn't matter to him if she was royal, or not. She was more important to him then being a puppet the rest of his life. Good choice, I would have made the same one. ;)


  5. Wade, There was a lot more to it than that, but I don't feel like getting into it. I believe that Gerald Iles founded the Monarchist League, as well as the English Speaking Society, and the Zoological Society of Montreal. He used to take people on whale watching tours in the St. Lawrence River to earn his living and he also took people on safaris to Africa. I once had a conversation with him about a narwhal/beluga hybrid. I wanted to mention also that the Miami Seaquarium had an albino sea turtle which had snow white skin like Carolina Snowball and like the albino alligators which have been recently bred by a private individual in Florida (who is on that TV show Python Hunters. These white or albino alligators have white eyes and they don't have any blotches or marks on their skin like the blue eyed ones from Louisiana. He sells them for $18000 each. There was also a snow white soft shelled turtle at the US National Zoo which was given to LBJ's wife by Thailand. You know I'll find you a link explaining why the Duke of Windsor actually had to abdicate. It had nothing to do with Marge Simpson. If you would care to place a wager on whether I'm an American or not I'll meet you in a courtroom of your choosing and bring my passport. That should settle the question once and for all. Sincerely Paul

  6. Wade, I found this link I want to show you, but I'm already regreting this. Here goes: The Uk's Nazi King Edward VIII, The Duke of Windsor: Traitor & Enemy of Britain I hope that works. Sorry I didn't mean to start another argument with you. I'm gonna keep my big mouth shut from now an. By the way I'm pretty sure that Camilla is also a descendant of Edward VII. Sincerely Paul

  7. PS: I'm not a Canadian. Sincerely Paul

  8. Paul,
    I told you not to bring that "I'm not a Canadian" alibi here, eh. :) I was aware of the Edward VIII/Nazi "connection". I have looked at it and studied it pretty extensively. The proof is pretty conclusive and undeniable. As for Camia, I thought hey were all related? The same as that "line breeding deal I have been trying to get folks to accept with white tigers, instead of inbreeding.

    Paul, we debate and discuss. That's different from arguing. It only turns into an argument when you won't accept that I am right, and you are wrong. :0

