Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Ft. Wayne Childrens Zoo-1968


  1. Hey... I'll be darned...
    I was there with my Mother and Grandmother. Watched them entice
    her/him out of the trailer for about 30 minutes.. then scurred like Hell when he took-off towards us. I was beginning to think I had imagined the episode.
    Thank you!!

  2. klsdad,
    Who that's deja vu to the max!!! Similar to a while back when I posted a picture of some folks looking at an elephant surrounded by cage wagons, and asked what show it was? RJR responded that it was such and such show and commented about a wagon behind the elephant that wasn't in the picture.
    As I am thinking, now how in the hell did he know the identity of a show by a wagon that isn't in the picture, his next comment was I remember it well, my Dad and I were on the lot that day. I decided not to question him. :)

