Friday, February 10, 2012

Jorgen Christiansen

Whoa, what a sight!!!!!!

Bandwagon, May 1964

Great article I came across about Jorgen Christiansen. It states that he had a "carousel" act with 39 horses, 27 pony's, 5 camels, and 4 zebras on Ringling, which I have never heard about. It says the camels stood on 10 elephant tubs and horses ran under them. It was used for only one season. Has anyone else heard of the act, or know of any photos available of the act? It only worked for a year, apparently because of a beef over salary.

An editors note at the end says this: Mr. Christiansen has also graciously furnished us with another article on some of the technical aspects and problems of training animals for the circus ring. This will appear in a subsequent issue.

Does anyone know what "subsequent issue" this article appeared in? Or was it never published? If not, who would have it? It has to be a boat load of wisdom.

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