Monday, January 16, 2012

Interesting and Pertinent Questions From Dan Koehl's Blog

As far as I can understand, a place with...
Dan Koehl 1:43pm Jan 16
As far as I can understand, a place with
infected Tuberculosis animals, can not be
defined as a sanctuary, since its not a safe
place for healthy elephants. And Florida may
actually be much warmer for the Toronto
elephants... So whats more important, the
future health of the Toronto elephants, or
the thousands of petition signers on Internet?
Should decisions be made by experts, or by
politicians, dependant on, and manipulated
by, propaganda?

'I have one question Dan, which Hawthorn elephant went
to " an individual licensed exhibitor?"


  1. Joy, went to the Endangered Ark...

  2. Zych,
    I am aware where Joy went. I also know the Endangered Ark wanted both Joy and Debbie, and why only Joy cleared to go there. In this statement from Dan's post Joy would have been "1 to the Endangered Ark Foundation." She went there in Oct. 2005 and was euthanized at Ark in 2010(is that relevant if you are pointing out when other elephants died after relocation to a sanctuary???) I was asking about "1 went to an individual licensed exhibitor." Also what "18 elephants?"

    From the blog:

    Although the decision was a regulatory accomplishment for AC, it quickly became a steep logistical challenge. Of the 18 elephants, 2 (Nic and Gypsy) went to the PAWS facility, 1 went to an individual licensed exhibitor, 1 to the Endangered Ark Foundation, and 11 to the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee.

    How is you Big Dick doing,


  3. Wade, Im not sure which elephant and where. The citation is from Ron DeHaven.

    My list of the relocated elephants from Hawthorn includes 23 elephants, including one with unknown end station, its Brat (Myakka, Cheerful) who were supposed to have gone a circus in Colombia? And killed there?

    But the relocations Ron DeHaven is refering to is for sure only between 2004 and 2007?

    If it stretches back to 2004, since he writes in 2007 "marked the end of its 3-year search to find adoptive owners for a total of 18 elephants"

    2003: Delhi went to TES. (1, total 1)

    2004: Judy went to Chris Hamblen, and Misty and Lota to TES. (3 total 4)

    2005: Joy went to Endangered Ark Foundation (1 total 5)

    2006; Ronnie (Maharani), Lottie, Frieda (Freida, Taffy), Debbie, Minnie (Packy II, Talli), Queenie, Liz, and Billie went to TES. (10 total 15)

    2007: The last 2 was Nic and Gypsy that went April 2, 2007 to PAWS. (2 total 17)

    = 1 elephant is missing.

    Maybe you can solve the riddle?

  4. Dan,
    I went back to Hawthorn in June of 2004. There was no Judy there, and as I mentioned last night in a correspondence to Bob Cline, if the order came down in March 2004, it seems real odd that an immediate effort would be made to place an elephant such as Judy and no one else. Could the "Judy" transfer/sale have been something worked out prior to the order and she just happened to be picked up after the order, and had really nothing to do with it? She died 3 years after arrival at her new home, if you are also keeping track of deaths other then at a sanctuary, just to keep it fair and balanced. Jackie the African elephant in the act with Gyp, Joy, and Ronnie died suddenly very shortly after Jim Z. brought them off the road in maybe August(when was it, Zych?) Could she have been the 18th elephant mentioned? If not, there was no 18th elephant.


  5. Addendum to Dan,
    It states on the Ron DeHaven site that "11 to the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee" when in actuality only 9 went. Mr. DeHaven seems to be patting himself on the back, when in reality he doesn't really know how many. Or possibly someone else wrote his paper and he didn't proof read it.
    Was he referring to Sue, who died in preparation for relocation as the 18th elephant instead of Jackie?


