Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Upside of Dealing With A Classy Organization

In 36 years of training animals I have had the pleasure of brand new props twice. The first time was in 1993 on Ringling Bros. and the second time was today when I took delivery of the first of 16 new pedestals. Thank you Poncho and Richardo!!!! I spent half my career with a certain other "big time" animal organization and I never even had a smell of a new prop. The manufacturer did a remarkable job of designing the seats as the back legs have to be shorter then the front legs so that they rest against the ring curb, given the "sloped floor" of the ring. On Ringling we did a similar thing when the first Cossack act arrived and had a "sloped floor," except the shorter back legs attached to the ring curb with pins. The disadvantage of that was that you couldn't put additional space between the seats if needed. This new design should work out better in that regards. Because of the angle the top picture was taken at the seat looks "sloped" but in reality it isn't. It is flat level. We are going to use it to practice the next couple of day's and if all is okay construction will commence on the rest of the seats and the jump pedestals.


  1. Props like that would be unaffordable in the US. I can't tell if they're polished stainless or chrome, but either way very labor intensive. Chrome plating is super expensive here, because of the strict regulations on disposing of plating chemicals. In Mexico, not only do they have the inexpensive labor to polish the metal before plating, but they can also dump the chemicals out the back door.
    When I see some of their props, like completely chromed 'wheels of death' I try to imagine what work like that would cost here.
    Mexicans are also aces when it comes to welding and tube bending as is obvious with your props. Some of their auto upholstery is out of this world, and I know of several custom car builders who have their upholstery done South of the Border.
    I can't wait to see pics of the whole arena furnished with those bright props.


  2. Ian,
    They are polished stainless. The gentleman who does Aguilar's props is extremely talented. He came 3 days ago and took measurements of what I wanted and how I wanted them to fit against the ring. He asked in broken "Spanglish" what kind of design I wanted, and in broken "Spanglish" the best I could come up with was "fancy curves, front, back and side's." When he walked in today with the first prototype I was shocked. I took one look and told him, "you pretty much nailed fancy curves, Amigo!!!" With 16 pedestals around the ring and 5 jump/pyramid pedestals at the back it should be "bright." Ramon, my smart ass tiger jefe suggested that with all the lights on my gringo skin might sun burn from the reflecting glare. :)


  3. Beautiful Wade, congratulations!
