Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Montie Montana

John Davis, leader in the Republican Organizing Committee, watches Montie Montana performing in the state capitol at Bismark.

Courtesy of State Historical Society of North Dakota

If you can tolerate this God awful rendition of "When the Saint's Go Marching In" until 2:28 you will see a quite shot of Montie Montana impulsively lassoing President Eisenhower at the 1953 Inaugural Parade. He is lucky the Secret Service didn't put a cap in him!!!!!

"125 Montana Newsmakers: Montie Montana"

You Bet Your Life

In classic Groucho, he tells Monte Montana, "you have a very familiar name," then asks, "are you from Rhode Island?" In classic cowboy when asked "cummerbund", Montie responds "thing around your belly."

Montie Montana - Western Stuntmen by Neil Summers

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