Monday, December 12, 2011

Dare We Hope

This chart is based on the interactive online Gorilla Studbook by James R. Davis and the official International Studbook 2010, published by Frankfurt Zoo.

Snowflake in English, Nfumu Ngui in Fang, Floquet de Neu in Catalan, Blancanieves and Copito de Nieve in Spanish, sired 21 children, but only 6 of them survived early childhood. He has a number of grandchildren, but only one great grandson Nakou(pictured below) living at the Arnheim Zoo. Note Nakou's fingertips on his left hand. I was not aware of Nakou, and only learned about him early this morning after a restless night, when looking for known offspring of Snowflake. Just incredible!!!!!!

Nakou and his mother Nimba 2010

This chart is also based on the interactive online Gorilla Studbook by James R. Davis and the official International Studbook 2010, published by Frankfurt Zoo.

Nakou 2011

This pedigree from Zoo Barcelona Biography - Zoo de Barcelona focus's on Snowflake's grandchildren still alive, but for the sake of clarity omits Makinda's children apart from Nimba, mother of Nakou.

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