Monday, December 26, 2011

Canine Taxonomy at the London Zoo 1923

Indian Wolf Dog

Montana Buffalo Wolf


  1. Hi there! I'm doing research on a Montana Buffalo Wolf supposedly given to the London Zoo by a Lord Auckland in the 1920s, who purchased the wolf from Dr. E. H. McCleery who kept Buffalo Wolves at a "wolf park" in Kane, Pennsylvania. Could you please tell me where you found this photo of the Montana Buffalo Wolf, and if you have any further information on it? I would very much like to confirm if this is the wolf I am researching.

    Thank you so much!

  2. Kirstin,
    I don't think I can be much help, but I think it is the wolf you reference. I purchased the photo(a reprint) at a swap meet in San Antonio, Texas in 2009.


  3. Wade,

    Thank you very much for your reply! I appreciate your help. Would you allow me to repost the photo of the Montana Buffalo Wolf on my website ( with credit to you and a link to your blog? It is the only photo I have seen of her specifically, and I would very much appreciate it!

    Thank you so much!

  4. Kirsten,
    It is yours to use as you wish. Interesting web site you have, by the way.


  5. Wade,

    Thank you so much for your permission and for the compliment on my site! Have a wonderful day!

