Thursday, December 8, 2011

Another Winter Wonderland Starts--Highway between Williston and Minot, North Dakota

With all of the oil workers in this part of the state (many who have never driven in snow!) they are already seeing a huge number of accidents with the minimal snowfall!
So if you are planning any trips anywhere where oil development is high I would definitely recommend giving yourself additional times due to the weather, terrible roads AND un-seasoned drivers!


  1. TO WADE!

    Around March,1964,I performed at the North Dakota Winter Show and PRCA Rodeo in Valley City,ND.

    Truly a memorable winter experience, I am glad I was young and strong.

    You,Wade,had to be pretty tough growing up near Minot.

  2. If some of those oil workers are from Texas, ya'll are in big trouble! Texas drivers NEVER learn to drive in snow, they just think know how.

  3. Hey, Mr. Picture blog, I’ve actually realized that I do have more to say with regards to your thoughtless, heartless and tasteless.
    Who the Hell are you, of all people, to judge me?!?
    A circus boy who sits in front of a computer day in and day out posting pictures and making some rather rude comments at times to your readers for no reason what-so-ever other than the fact it’s your boring little spot in the world now looking at what was or what is and lacking anything that is pertinent to current events.
    Furthermore, If I choose to be proactive and help others so maybe the kind of BULLS**T that happened to me doesn’t happen again, the ‘circus queen poster girl’ as a reminder of what is happening, that’s my choice. I couldn’t care what YOU think about it or anyone else with your mentality who can sit there and do absolutely nothing about anything.
    Keep thinking about the days that WERE and admiring the pictures of yourself in those costumes and stay out of my stinking little spot in the world…as I have yours!!!
    I often remark that I’d rather live in my shoes than those of the people who did this to me and my animals who have to live with their guilt and their shame and that goes for you and your shoes who thinks he is living a perfect little life when in fact, people are laughing at you behind your back.
    (About time someone told you!!!)
    You give no consideration to the animals I owned and what horrid conditions they are now being subjected to…You disgust me maybe even more than the people who did this…You should be ashamed for even thinking such things considering that yes, you were, at one time, considered a superstar by those in the audience watching you….partnered with your animals and making sure they received the best care possible. No different than I…but you forget you no longer have that status and now become some nasty angry old man.
    Get over yourself.
    Best -B

  4. Will wonders never cease to amaze me!!!
    You just never know who is reading your blog until they open their mouth and insert foot…Once you learn what someone is really about; there is little interest left in caring one way or another as to ‘their opinion’…Poor guy…he’s thinks I actually care…
    I hate to burst his bubble but alas, I don’t!!! Even if he agrees with me…
    Matter of fact, I had totally forgotten about him and his ‘picture blog’…

  5. I posted these comments so you could all enjoy. "B" used to be Barbara Hoffman, so I am assuming it still is. I don't for the life of me have a clue as too what she is babbling about. But that's not unusual as folks never had a clue what she was babbling about. Initially I thought she was ranging up on Frank or anonymous!!!!!! LOL


  6. B is back. Wooooohooooooooooooo

  7. “Man who drops watch in toilet, bound to have shi**y time.”
    When he does it a second time “Man is now knee deep in it.”
    When he drops his watch in the toilet a third time “Man is full of it.”
    “Man who spends too much time looking for watch in toilet is known as S**T-HEAD!!!”


  8. Anonymous,
    We were wrong, "B" isn't Barbara Hoffman. It's actually Bonfucius. Shoot, there might be something to that reincarnate deal.


  9. It appears that Barb likes looking at pictures,but isn't it sad that she needs to try to make herself appear relevant by posting here. Hey Barb, no one is talking about you anymore - you've joined the ranks of the numerous animal ignorants who have faded into murky history. They've done their bit of damage to the industry and have moved on. No pity for you, Barb. You caused more damage than was ever done to you. See ya!
