Thursday, November 3, 2011

It Has Finally Turned Into a Biased Witchhunt. I Fear If America Tip's Any Further Left, it Will Fall Out Of Orbit.

Note the animal industries exempt from the bill, zoos, aquariums, horse racing, rodeos, or permanent facilities where animals travel out for film, television, or advertizing work, Las Vegas showrooms, research facilities. Any court of law would refer to that as "prejudicial."


  1. So horses and big cat cubs you see in those travelling "take your picture with a lion cub" exhibits don't suffer? Maybe the "price isn't right" for them!

  2. Megan,
    Horse's absolutely not, or big cats. As long as they are handled by qualified individuals and housed/transported in approved enclosure's. Qualified by qualified testing, and approved by qualified studies. Not some nit wit feel good no nothing of which they speak animal rights group. Big cat cub's for pictures is something I have never personally approved of, or done and don't ever intend to. I also personally don't approve of elephant ride's, and have never done them and don't ever intend to. I have too much respect for a "performing animal/athlete" plus I have always been lucky enough as a trainer to make a living training, kinda a "Price is Right" deal.
    I hope that answer's your question.


  3. Addendum to Meaghan,
    The Bobster and the others chose to exempt big cat cubs from movie's. Do you approve of their usage that way? They also exempted animal research. Do you approve? How about those calves which nit wit's call "baby cows" regardless of whether they have testicles or not, jerked off their feet in rodeo calf roping. Do you approve? They exempted rodeo.

  4. Well put, Wade. I have all the respect in the world for real trainers out there, who do things right, I'm cool with it. I saw that they exempted rodeo, which I don't approve of. I guess calves aren't majestic or something. I find cattle neat myself.

    This is a really informative blog, I shall be following!

  5. Meaghan,
    That's the point in the rapidly twisting up world. You don't like rodeo's, but a pot load of folks do. I despise dog fighting, but admire bull fighting greatly. I don't particularly care for dogs, they are my least favorite animal, but I like cattle a lot. Dog fighting makes no sense to me, especially when the losing animal is normally, stitched up, loaded with antibiotic's, and fought again another day, and another, and another. If the bull wasn't killed, and killed quickly in a bullfight, I would despise bullfighting also. But a bull fight has a traditional point and it is over quickly. Either the bull or the man goes down and it is over forever. Fighting dog's are made to suffer over and over again. But who am I to tell others what they can and can not do, or enjoy. If I don't like it I don't have to partake in it. This isn't my world. I have a difficult time fathoming the arrogance of a far left radical thinking they know what is best for the world. Some one want's to be a vegan, fine. Eat all the fruits and vegetables you want, just don't tell me I can't indulge in a marbled rib eye. You live in your world, and let the rest of the world live in theirs. An African native needs to shoot an elephant, so be it. He is not telling me not to shoot my American Elk.
    By the way welcome. I normally welcome all new readers but in the busyness of a daily life I inadvertently missed you. My apologies.

