Sunday, October 30, 2011

In Response to "Well, They Must Beat Them" to Have That Kind of Control.

I held my breath all through this video above. Any elephant man who doesn't, hasn't been around anything tough, and had it refuse something. Refusal is the factor that make's protected contact, while a good idea, a flawed concept in reality. The mahout, who ever he is, accomplished his task magnificently. Any nit wit who suggests that "he was hitting the poor elephant with his fist", all I can say is NUTS TO YOU!!!! You don't have an inkling of a clue or a whisp of an idea of what a bull elephant is about. Take your suggestions/advice to folks who whack a dog with a rolled up newspaper, spritz them with a spray bottle, or put a shock collar on them to keep them in the yard. It has more validity there. If you are concerned about his use of an elephant hook, take up the debate at the next dressage/horse show you attend by suggesting that the trainers don't use those "heel guides." Lord knows if we don't call them spurs anymore, they sure aren't necessary, and at best somehow have a different purpose.

The event below occurred June 8, 2011 in Mysore India. As elephants appear to only have "accidents" out of revenge against man's cruelty in captivity, you have to wonder what the cow's did to them to warrant an "accident." Given an elephants incredible intelligence, you have to also wonder why they were not aware of the fact that cow's are holy in India and hand's off. As a courtesy to Dennis, so he doesn't puke in his coffee I posted one video with a "warning label."

It's hard to imagine the young calves got "separated from the herd" what with the world class GPS tracking of ultra sonic sound wave's that an elephant is purported to possess? Imagine if a weanling colt or long two year old filly possessed this kind of strength and the world was telling you not to put a halter and rope on them, and by all mean's throw away that whip/crop and take off those evil spurs............ I would like to see what a world class horseman could produce then?


  1. If my father had ever caught a "world class horseman" wearing spurs while riding one of our horses, or whacking them with a crop, the horseman would have been in the dirt, and being cropped by my father.

    If it takes beating an animal to gentle it, then the animal should be left alone.


  2. Angelia,
    I didn't say to "gentle" them, I said to train them. Animals are born gentle. Sexual maturity and having to defend themselves will change that attitude.

