Thursday, October 13, 2011

Horses For Life--Volume 61

The thinking horseman's issue! An incredible juxtaposition of masters, trainers and equestrian literature, much of it available for the very first time in English. There are so many firsts. The first time we get to read the words in English, of Decarpentry on Baucher and His School, a new text by Xenephon Press that will challenge you at every level. Decarpentry continues with his consummate skill he is so famous for - of taking many different perspectives and views, and not trying to oversimplify or overglorify any one system. He looks for the successes and he looks for the flaws, he describes with great clarity and detail where things go right - and where things go wrong in this new translation of Baucher and His School. A must read for anyone who truly want to understand the work of this controversial master.

What book could possibly compete with such a new equestrian classic. Perhaps the only other text that is just as meaty is the brand new English translation of The French Tradition by Dom Diogo de Braganca again by Xenephon Press. The French Tradition is the tradition that encompasses many masters and many different concepts and perhaps never seen so clearly as in this text as different methods are presented side by side by someone who Nuno declared as one of his best students. This excerpt is a must read for all those who wish to expand their understanding of our rich equestrian history. How different methods can help us create the kind of success that we want with our horses.

The French Tradition is one of our two free articles this month. All registered users can read these articles for free. While some of our free articles will continue to be available to all of our readers others will only be available for a limited time only - and will be gone when our next issue comes out! So make sure that you don't miss this article that will make you think! Go read it today! As a subscriber feel free to let your friends who are not currently subscribed know that for a limited time only, they can read for free, read this incredible excerpt. All they have to do is register for free to read!

It is only fitting that in speaking of the French Tradition that we include the much awaited conclusion of the four-part series, “Conversations with a Master.” An incredible journey where we have joined Stephanie Millham as she shares with us her personal experiences as we join her paging through her notes from many clinics over the years. Sharing with us what Nuno considered the most important fundamentals of starting a green horse, how we should use the corners of the arena, what to do when we feel resistance in one hand, what exercise is like aspirin for horses, should you ask for the shoulder in by the hand or the leg and so much more. Endless references from one the masters of the last century much of it in his own words. Future articles will address in-depth advice on specific movements dealing with specific horse and rider problems.

New Scientific Research on How much rein tension our horses actually want.

We examine the Halt at the World Equestrian Games as per the rules of the FEI.

Jenny Rolfe: How to Breathe Harmony into Collection

and our continuing article series Anakalypsi: The Healer

and so much more.

If you have subscribed to our downloadable/video edition of Horses For LIFE this issue we continue the incredible story of "The Chosen One". Unique as the original experience was, join us as we follow along as strange events continue to happen and we were lucky enough to continue to catch it on film. Twice more unexpected bonds are instantly formed, both completely unexpected. The last perhaps the most unexpected of all. The true difficulty in the end is to try to begin to understand the meaning behind these unusual experiences. There is a deeper story behind all of these happenings. The beginning perhaps of understanding - a new lesson to be learned.

The power of video allows us to replay sequences again and again. It allows us to show movement - something that a still picture can never do, and in watching the movement allows us to understand the impact and the influence on the horse. This is why video is such an important aspect for us to continue to develop on Horses For LIFE. In this issue we examine and through observation explore the influence of the draw rein on the horse.

A reminder re our New* Video Subcription Option on Horses For LIFE. Access the video in our new downloadable version only.

If you know someone who is interested in our new video edition of Horses For LIFE, encourage them to sign up or upgrade today, as our video subscription does not automatically include archive editions of our older video editons. We don't want anyone to miss out on a single issue!

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