Thursday, October 13, 2011

From Thomas Bohner

Young cage act historian, Thomas Bohner is pissing down his pant leg in Belgium,:

Check my blog for a movie of the Clubb mixed act and lion act at Ringling.


because he has located some footage of Jim Clubbs mixed act with John Illig and Jim Clubbs lion act with Larry Allen Dean on Ringling Bros. Thomas's nice blog is linked on "relevant stops" on the right, but for your convenience it is also posted here. Thomas has a great interest in cage acts, and spends a lot of time researching the subject, and I commend him for his efforts, even if he doesn't understand why I can't remember how many time's a day Tony shit in 1977, or how many times a day Targa had a drink of water in 1980!!!!!! :)

Thomas Bohners Cage Act History


  1. Wade,

    I had the footage of larry allen dean already two years, sent to me by Mr. Dean himself. The footage of John Illig was sent to me by Gary Robinson who also has a very very nice blog.
    I don't have to know how much times Tony shits ! But I need to now when Targa was added to the act ! And what you where doing in the toronto zoo with pigs ! And or the rumors of you training uncaged leopards in december 1977 ?


  2. Thomas,
    Larry should have a lot of stuff, as he is the only one who collected and saved "his" stuff. There is a joke in the circus that Jimmy Hall tells, and as he told it on the "history channel" last year, I guess I can tell it here.
    "What is the rarest, most valuable item of circus history in the world today?" Give Up? A Larry Allen Dean photograph that is not autographed. There are one or two known to man, as Larry autographed all the rest. :)
    I did the shoulder carry with Targa in 1979, and she was added to the act in 1982, when there was a place for her, after Ika was retired with the foot injury.
    I was in Toronto training pigs until I was to report back to Ringling to prepare GGW's tigers for a new act.
    I worked with leopards at Jungle Larry's Safari in 1977, but didn't train an uncaged leopard act. That is normally an act done by a women anyway.
    You never answered my question, why were you wondering when Bagheera was taken out of the act? That was done over in Europe.


  3. Wade,
    Yes he has a lot of pics of his circus career, and it was a funny joke ! :)
    Thanks, Ika was taken out in 1980 not? Thanks for the information. I had some contact with Mr. Gold and Campolongo but for a short time and lost it. They gave me a lot of tiger names and said both they had worked Bagheera. Mr. Gold told me he took Ari out in 1994. But I think he is wrong and it is 1993 or earlier. But nothing about Bagheera.
    Do you remember when Tila and Madras were added ?


  4. Thomas,
    Ika was taken out of the act towards the end of the Vargas season in 1981. Yes, Bagheera went to Germany, as stated, with John and Alan took her out. Sultana was one of the tigers from a group I trained and took over to Germany and added to the act. She sat at the top of the pyramid to replace Bagheera. There was a lot of taking out and replacing of animals once the act left the United States. Tila and Madrass were added to the act in 1987, my last year on Ringling. In the pictures you have from the "North Dakota Horizon" there is a picture of a baby tiger on a leash. That would be either Madrass or Tila.


  5. Thanks Wade,

    Did you had Silver from '82 to '87 in the act ?
    Have you found the pic of North Dakota ?


  6. Thomas,
    Yes, he was taken out when the act went to Europe. You have the pictures. They are the one's on your blog that you wrote were from Sports Illustrated.


  7. Thanks Wade,

    If you have time can you identify them ?


  8. I like Thomas' commitment. He might ask more questions than I do!
