Sunday, October 9, 2011

For Anonymous who mentioned Flying Tigers. Thankfully, we didn't pull a "Jenson" on this day.

You will note the cage in the air, coming down out of the plane. When the reporter turned and in Japanese said, "watch as his favorite tiger comes out first," I just smiled. I arranged the cages that way in Los Angeles, so Tony would be the first American White Tiger, flown by Flying Tigers Airline, to "put boot's down" on Japanese soil.


  1. Hi Wade,

    Didn't Dave McMillan refer to his cage act as "Dave McMillan's Flying Tigers"?

    I am not sure, but I think I recall seeing Dave Mcmillan's cage act on the old television series "Hollywood Palace.

    I believe that Dave Mcmillan is is related (brother) to Brian Mcmillian who recently presented a lion act on the Gold Unit for Ringling Brothers. But then, I could be wrong.

    Stay well,


  2. Henry,
    Yes, David's act was billed as "Dave McMillan's Flying Tigers." That's because it moved fast and quick, loud and furious. David exclusively played in parks and only made a circus date once with the act. That being the one time Super Circus, which Irvin Feld nemisis Abe Pollin produced at the Capital Centre to compete against Ringling during their annual D.C. date. David late went to Circus World for a year or two but left over a contract dispute. David called me to testify on his behalf which I was prepared to do as he was in the right, but the dispute was settled "out of court" and never reached trial.
    Yes, Brian is David's brother, but I think it is a real stretch to refer to what was on the Gold Unit as an "act."


  3. Addendum to Henry,
    Both David and Brian McMillan were grooms for GGW, coming with him and his animal's when he came to the United States.


  4. Thanks for the information Wade.

    My memory is a little sketchy on the subject. Somewhere I have the newspaper clippings on the circus you mentioned.

    I believe the "Super Circus" that you refered to was actually called Circus America.

    It was in the mid seventies when Circus America was created by Abe Pollin to play the same dates in the Washington D.C. area as Ringling Brothers, and to spite the Feld Family in a dispute over those Washington D.C. area venues.

    I believe that Mr. Pollin was aided in his endeavor by a West Coast booking agent, (Kay something??? That sounds about right) that specialized in circus acts.

    To one up Ringling Brothers, Abe Pollin's Circus America was a five ring circus.

    I don't believe that Circus America lasted too, possibly two seasons.

    I belive that a one time Mr. Pollin also owned both the Baltimore Bullets (now the Washington Wizards) and the Washington Capitals.

    Maybe one of your Blog's other readers can add some more information on Circus America.


  5. Henry,
    The West Coast booking agent was Paul Kaye, long time producer of the Evansville Turkey Festival, who died last year. A great man, and a good friend.


  6. Clarifying points: Paul Kaye produced the 1st Circus America for its initial 5-ring, 3-week stand at the Capital Centre. Landover, MD, in April, 1974. The 2d Circus America was a 19-performance run from Dec. 25-30, 1978, & Jan. 4-7, 1979, & a single ring format produced by Bauer-Hall Enterprises (Joe Bauer & Bill Hall). That venue became the 1st circus show for David McMillan's Fabulous Flying Tigers' act, which was trucked in from the Great Adventure amusement park in Jackson, NJ, where the felines were featured in spring-into-fall
    shows produced by Bauer-Hall. McMillan had no way of transporting his tigers (a stationary funspot attraction), so tractor trailers were rented by Capital Centre to transport his animals & equipment to & from Great Adventure, which subsequently became part of the Six Fags' operation. -- Bill Hall (now of Bill Hall Entertainment And Events, as Bauer-Hall was terminated 12/31/85)

  7. Hi Wade,

    In the pictures that I have seen of Bian McMillan, I think he looks a little like Jay Leno. What do you think?

    You mentioned that the McMillan brothers came over with Gunther Gebel-Williams as grooms. Did they work for him in Germany? Are they German or of German decent?

    Is Brian McMillan still with Ringling Brothers Gold Unit?

    What is Dave McMillan doing now? Does he still perform?

    How goes your training sessions? Are you finished with them?


  8. The competition between RBBB under Feld and Pollin's Circus America would provide a great story. How many outfits have gone toe to toe and day and date against RBBB on "home" turf? Big Apple experienced it in reverse, when RBBB later went into NYC during the traditional BAC run.

  9. Questions for Bill Hall...

    Hi Bill ,

    Do you recall any of the acts from the original Circus America?

    Did that Circus America have any cage acts? If so, who?

    Thanks for all your information on Circus America>


  10. Bill,
    Thank you for your knowledgeable insight. That is how history should be recorded. With fact's, not jackpots.
    I first saw and met Davis Great Adventure. He was indeed one of the "big guns" of the era. He had a massive heavy arena designed as you say, to be set up in a park for years without moving up and down. I remember he used to enter the arena with Bombay the tiger in a motorcycle sidecar. When he finished the act he "hamboned" it up ala Pat Anthony by having a couple of broads help him into his robe, and after placing the hood on his head, he would stagger, limp, drag away from the arena and into the dressing room. What incredible shows parks had at that time. How in the world did it disappear into the "song and dance candy" that is predominant, if at all, today.


  11. Henry,
    David and Brian were with GGW on Circus Williams before coming here. The McMillian's are British. Part of David's success was his good looks, I don't see Leno at all. He also lifted weights extensively and boxed to stay in shape. David was a personal friend of Joe Frazier also. He had 22 tigers in his act. It was truly the "Golden Age" of wild animal act's, regardless of what anyone else suggests. I have seen no valid proof to contradict my opinion. Unless you had at least 13 animals in your act, you weren't even in the game.
    I don't know what David is doing now. He had an animal training school for a while until folks wised up to the flim flam of that scheme which is much like the "horse whisperer" who gives clinic's only folks come to you instead of vise versa.
    Brian has not been presenting his act for over a year on the Gold Unit. David Polk took over presenting the act.
    Circus America had 3 cage act's the first year. Tarzan Zerbini, Bill Golden with Hawthorns lion and 12 tigers, and can anybody help me with the third.


  12. Anonymous,
    You are so right that the history of the "Destruction in the District" Royal Rumble between Irvin and Abe would be a great read. I suggest pitching it to Vanity Fair. They could do it justice. I don't think anybody has gone toe to toe, mano a mano against Irvin Feld and Ringling and came out the winner. They may pretend and try to convince you otherwise, but the fact's aren't on their side.
    People always say the public want's big grand shows like "back in the day." Why didn't 5 ring Circus America prevail? Why is the GSOE now one ring? Why is 5 Ring Carson and Barnes now one ring and struggling? Yet Solei kicked ass. Why? Because they provided quality and not quantity. That people will pay a premium for.
    BAC can't compare to the one's above or many others, for that matter. They can only be compared to the Youth Circus's and other local, state, or federally funded "artsy programs." Soup kitchens closed down, and BAC started choking and is close to dying. What well know BAC alumni is noted for suggesting that Ringling's success was due to Mattel's nickle, while at the same time forgetting to mention that BAC survived on the biggest cuff of all time?


  13. Wade,

    Do you know when Bagheera was taken out of the Hawthorn act ?

  14. Thomas,
    Not the exact date, but sometime between Campolongo and Gold. Why?


  15. Wade, Dave knew joe frazer but was friends with George Forman and George had tigers he got from Dave. I hung out with Dave when he lived in NJ and he was at great Adventure. He was one of the better trainers when it came to wild animals. think he still does some stuff for TV. Dennis

  16. David is now living in Oveido, FL. I haven't seen him in about 10 years or so. Last time I was there he was still doing shows at the various time shares around Orlando and the odd film or print job here and there. In fact, while I worked with him, we did a Sports Illustrated cover shoot with Tiger Woods ( Circa 1998 ) with a White Bengal named Samson. As was mentioned before, David and Brian were from Britain and started working with GGW as teens. I believe that David is mostly retired now but his brother Brian is living in SoCal and has a company called Walking w/ Lions. In my opinion, Brians skills are far inferior to Davids. When David used to work the 22 tigers it was truly an amazing spectacle. Very similar to GGW but with more machismo if you can believe it. I wish I could get a hold of the video footage that David still has on VHS. I'd love to convert it to digital and put it up on Youtube.

  17. Shawn,
    "Machismo" is an understatement describing David' act. When you finish and two beautiful broads assist you in putting on your robe, wiping the sweat off your face, as you walk around the arena waving on your way to your custom dressing room, it doesn't get more macho then that. :) David and Brian are miles apart in ability and what they have trained. A clip on youtube would be incredible. Like myself and others of that era, there is very little video. Lot of pictures, but not much video.


  18. Hi.My name is Scott Vroom and i worked with Dave at Circus World back in the 1970'S as one of his assistant tiger trainers in his show there at Circus word called David Mcmillians flying tigers. I remember Dave as a great guy and a meticulous showman. Those two years i worked for him were great and I'll never forget them. I understand he now lives in Oviedo Fla. I live in Davenport fla. Not far from were we worked together years ago. I'd love to to be able to reconnect with him just to say hi and see how he's doing all these years later. Can someone help me reach him? My email he can reach me on messanger via Facebook. My phone number is 863-605-5896. Thank you to anyone who can help.
