Friday, October 14, 2011

The Ajanta Caves--How can we possibly limit the "Wonders of the World" to only 8?

Ajanta Caves - Maharashtra, India

The Ajanta Caves – Ancient Temples Carved from Rock ~ Kuriositas


  1. Not to quibble, but there are actually 7 acknowledged wonders of the ancient world, but, I agree with you, especially since some of the 'wonders' such as the hanging gardens of Babylon and Colossus of Rhodes no longer exist and the fact that they even existed is debated by some historians.
    England, at the time of naming the wonders were subjegating India, and it was in their interests not to aknowledge cultures that were incredibly sophisticated at a time when the British were still painting themselves with mud and living in caves.


  2. Ian,
    I thought there was 7 and a lot of bickering over 8. I always assumed it was the Ring of Fame committee who chose the "Wonder's of the World" given the choice's we are left with. I suppose that assumption is wrong also.


  3. Ian,
    I could never figure out missionaries going into the jungle's and telling folks that the mud fertility God, the bundle of feathers and sticks, or that gold Buddha deal was a terrible thing to worship. Instead, and better yet if you want to be civilized, worship this dead person hanging on these crossed pieces of wood. Even to an uneducated heathen that dog don't hunt, and they surely had to blink in surprise and wonder, "what, are shitting me." Probably why they had to be subjugated into accepting what to the "God loves me, but he hates you" missionaries was only to obvious.


  4. Though not being a religious sort, myself, I think this passage is apt:

    "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites for ye compass sea and land to make one convert and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves" Matthew 23/15

    Old Jesus was onto something there.


  5. Ian,
    I don't know if it was old Jesus himself personally, or his "self appointed" leaders who each thought they knew what it was he was really trying to say, and not what someone else was saying he was really trying to say, and if you don't believe that we are the one's who really know what it is he was trying to say and not those other folks, we'll rape, pillage, and plunder until you see the light.

    As my friend David Allen Coe wrote, long ago in a song, "nobody want's to play rhythm guitar behind Jesus....Everybody want's to be the lead singer in the band..."

