RE: Hindleg walk.. the attached picture shows a horse trained just like I related in the reply to Chris. The way that trick works is I send the horse away to circle the ring at a canter, I step up which his cue to come back down the centerline, half way across the ring he rears and walks to the pedesdtal to land next to me.. he turns and salutes the audience.. and there is a .mov file showing the climbing wall.. .. My methods are often home spun,, I did not have someone handing me this on a plate.. just because they might be different does not make them wrong.
Hello Wade,
Thanks for answering the question about the backwards serpentine.. I forgot to mention that I had seen Sacha Houcke practicing a mixed act with Fijords and elephants doing a serpentine / figure-of-eight which was probably where I got the idea in the first place.. From Allen Pogue
As John Milton Herriott has often been quoted "it's all been done before." Walking a hind leg feline to it's seat/pedestal is how "us" cat guy's have trained the behavior/trick for years and years. It's nothing new or profound. It give's them a finish point/target as well as motivates them to complete the behavior and stop, which they would much rather do then the actual behavior. The real good one's eventually condition the animal to stop and sit up on a voice command, keeping themselves between the seat/pedestal. I presented an elephant act for years with 3 hind leg walks with the two outside elephants finishing by coming down on tubs and then going into one foot stands. The middle elephant came down between them and the tubs on either side were her finish point/targets.
I recall a number of years ago going to one of Monty Robert's first "revolutionary join up" clinics. I went with a couple of famed, well known California bridle horse/spade bit trainers. About 10 minutes into the clinic, Carlos turned to Bob and said, "what's the big deal? We've done that all our lives, and our father's did it before us. I figured every body know about that." All Mr. Robert's did was "repackage/remarket" an old ancient product, to folks that didn't know any different and made a fortune in the process.
As John Milton Herriott has often been quoted "it's all been done before." Walking a hind leg feline to it's seat/pedestal is how "us" cat guy's have trained the behavior/trick for years and years. It's nothing new or profound. It give's them a finish point/target as well as motivates them to complete the behavior and stop, which they would much rather do then the actual behavior. The real good one's eventually condition the animal to stop and sit up on a voice command, keeping themselves between the seat/pedestal. I presented an elephant act for years with 3 hind leg walks with the two outside elephants finishing by coming down on tubs and then going into one foot stands. The middle elephant came down between them and the tubs on either side were her finish point/targets.
I recall a number of years ago going to one of Monty Robert's first "revolutionary join up" clinics. I went with a couple of famed, well known California bridle horse/spade bit trainers. About 10 minutes into the clinic, Carlos turned to Bob and said, "what's the big deal? We've done that all our lives, and our father's did it before us. I figured every body know about that." All Mr. Robert's did was "repackage/remarket" an old ancient product, to folks that didn't know any different and made a fortune in the process.
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