Monday, September 5, 2011

For Chris

The girl's name was Sonora Webster Carver(she married the son of the originator of the diving horse, Doc Carver.) The movie was titled "Wild Heart's Can't Be Broken." I don't as a rule "do" animal movies(no, I have never even seen The Black Stallion) because I relish the reality of animals to much. I did see "Wild Heart's Can't Be Broken" because I didn't know much about diving horse's. The movie disturbed me a bit because such a big deal was made out of her(Sonora) injury and her return to diving handicapped. Like all movies of the sort the human got way to much credit compared to the animal. When someone get's hurt, or God forbid worse, killed working with a tiger or any other animal, my first thought is always, "That's terrible but in reality, so what? You were aware of the consequences and what could happen and you chose to do it. The animal didn't have those same option's. Give them the credit, and you stand back and marvel at what they are capable of and have achieved. They had far greater odds to overcome then you can ever imagine."

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Wade, it's been awhile since I last saw that movie.
