Sunday, September 11, 2011

For Allen Pogue

Thank you for your past two emails. I won't bother posting them here to bore the folks with more alibi's(if anyone is interested email me and I will forward them). That and they were quite windy, and would have to be posted as a half dozen "continued" again. Why don't you and your side kick(FYI I had over a dozen emails from folks asking why in the world a supposed professional would attach themselves to someone obviously in need of medical help.) ask John Milton "what the big deal is" instead of addressing it to me. He apparently thought you stunk as much as I did. There are no hard feelings and you are welcome anytime. I just think you are a Cessna pilot who accidentally stumbled into a Top Gun training class and panicked and got defensive when your normal bullshit didn't get you an invite to "pull up a chair."

I do appreciate your offer to answer more questions. I guess I only have three, as anything else would be self explanatory. The first one is actually a combination of questions, and is one John Milton Herrriott is also wondering about: What the hell is a master trick horse trainer, who decides that, and where is the roster of acclaimed individuals found?

The second one, why did your mate Taba(who you claim marveled at your skill) send horses out to be trained to hind leg walk when one of your "instructional" video's was only a Fed Ex away. Then you could have put an "endorsed by my mate, Taba" flag on the back of it.

Third one, no disrespect but your wife is a beauty. Where did you meet her, and does she have any available sisters?

Thanks Allen the readers of circusnospin will look forward to your answers.


P.S. You and Riz have to take your time reading if you are going to spend so much time on blogs. Read it again, I said your horse was a bully, not that he was a sorry horse. Sorry was the apology for slipping up and pointing out that a bully backs into other horse's flicking his tail. If they don't move he kicks them. There are sure a lot of brilliant, innovative horse's just like him out there.

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