Inter Office Memo
Gooba, Gooba Padron,
My workers just made me aware that the internet is running slow or none existent at the moment. Don't worry, I think I know what the problem is. It is those gosh dang birds roosting on the wire's again. I am going out now with my BB gun and should have them kilt in a short time. If you need to contact me before I come back inside, press 2 and ask to speak to my assistant Michu. He will see that a message is delivered. Meanwhile comments can still be received and will be saved until the birds are off the wire.
TD Circusnospin

Dear Michu,
ReplyDeleteJust to let you know that AOL's headquarters are in Vienna, VA, (as are PETA's and the GSOE). Since they have been experiencing a lot of severe weather, it might have something to do with your internet issues. Maybe, maybe not.
Lancelot the Unicorn
Lancelot the Coleman,
ReplyDeleteIt's the whole internet provider. Birds on the wire like Director Schlitzie said. Corporate Headquarters is currently in central Mexico. I should think that would be a big storm if it is whacking the East Coast of the United States as well as interior Mexico. I'll pass you message on to Directory Schlitzie when he/she come's in with the day's bag.
ReplyDeleteThis doesn't have anything to do with this post, but I couldn't figure out how to contact you directly.
I was at a horse expo and came across two framed photos, one of a woman on a horse sidesaddle, jumping rope. The other was a woman riding tandem sidesaddle, and both horses were doing Spanish Walk. When I asked about the origin of the photos, the seller told me she cut them out of an old French book.
I would love to track this book down, but there isn't very much to go on. Have you seen a book that contains these photos?