Thursday, June 2, 2011

Charly Baumann and Gunther Gebel Williams

Courtesy of Araceli Baumann--Repost from Sept. 14, 2010


  1. iN jAPAN THE GIRL that worked one of the liberty acts was sick and I asked Charly to fill in. He was pleased and during the matinee I watched from my ring thru the corner of my eye. It did not go well and in our dressing room he never mentioned it. On the night show it was a complete turn-arounf. They worked great and all of us in the company [yes almost everone watched thru the curtains. He was very plewased. Like a ballplayer he saw the first pitches and adjusted from there. He had a background with liberty and liked it and was very capable just like Holtzmaier. Quite a guy. Johnny

  2. John,
    Thanks for sharing. I love your analogy to a baseball player, "he saw the first pitches and adjusted from there." That's what makes great ball players great, and great animal trainers great. As I have suggested in the past, after studying Charly and GGW to death I was able to conclude that their great success was that they worked/trained the tigers like liberty horses.
    Do you suppose the guy on Cole just hasn't learned how to adjust to a whip yet, John. LOL You should have seen 6 years ago, before there was 6 years of working a large act under the belt!!!!

    Regards Col.,
