Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Water For Elephants

Anonymous PK said...

Big Brit Bull Beef...Pt 2:


May 10, 2011 9:09 AM

Blogger Wade G. Burck said...

And so it start's...... Thank you for the link, I guess..... Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy..... I really don't know what to say. I am going to need time to digest. I will offer a "grain of salt" I suggest everyone take when viewing: "The footage shows a number of elephants having their tusks sawn off without anaesthetic" Their spelling, not mine. The statement can stand on it's own merits.


May 10, 2011 10:00 AM

Anonymous PK said...

Hot Water For Elephants.

May 10, 2011 10:51 AM

Blogger Wade G. Burck said...

Naw, not really. "Hot" would be pleasant, Pete. This is Thermal Water For Elephants. The hot shot is going to crucify.

May 10, 2011 11:45 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


My name is James, and I became really interested in the circus 7 years ago after I bought a video called BIG CATS OF THE BIG TOP. i recently discovered this site on google and have enjoyed it very much and have learned more about the circus than I have on other blogs. Wow, you are also the person on the video. As I was looking at older things you have done I noticed someone named tanglefoot. I asked tanglefoot a question on another blog Buckles Blog and he never replied. May be he didn't see the question because he seems to have a lot to say about a lot of things it seems. I would like to post my question for him here and maybe he will see it. Do you know what a bonafide circus folk is? Thank you for your time and i will enjoy more of your blog. James Jeffers

tanglefoot said...

I NOTE tHREE names of circus people I am fasmiliar with on this list. tanglefoot

24 April, 2011 08:59
Anonymous tanglefoot said...

Plus Kari and Gary. Both bonafide circus folk to be sure. Tanglefoot

24 April, 2011 09:02

Anonymous said...

Tanglefoot, I don't know who you are for sure, but I am sure you meant to say that Kari and Gary Johnson were bonafide elephant trainers, instead of bonafide circus folk. I don't recall hearing about them or seeing them on too many shows. Or did I miss them.

25 April, 2011 07:29

May 10, 2011 1:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was mystified why Ms. Johnson seems to be suggesting that because what occurred on the film happened a number of years ago and not in preparation for WFE it is of no consequence and should not matter?


May 10, 2011 2:39 PM

Anonymous PK said...

It doesn't matter who says what.
Truth is of no importance.
The feces has collided with the ventilator.
Everyone will be spattered.

May 10, 2011 2:46 PM

From: Kari Johnson
Subject: AR video
Date: Tuesday, May 10, 2011, 11:17 AM

Hi - This is our response to the animal rights extremist video that is going around. Feel free to pass it on. ~Kari

We are so disappointed that the wonderful opportunity presented by Tai's role in "Water for Elephants" to raise awareness and funds for elephant conservation and Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpesvirus (EEHV) is being exploited by animal rights extremist groups.

We are unwavering in our commitment to elephants. We stand by our care and training methods. We are proud of our contributions to elephant welfare and conservation.

Animal rights extremist groups are using Tai’s role in Water for Elephants as a vehicle to take advantage of her celebrity to further their efforts to remove elephants and all exotic animals from entertainment. These groups have no basis of knowledge or experience working with elephants. They have an agenda and a history of using less than honest means to achieve their goals.

The video shows heavily edited and very short snippets, obviously taken surreptitiously six years ago, purporting mistreatment of our elephants. If there was truly any abuse going on why wait six minutes, much less six years?

None of the footage being shown was taken during Tai’s training for Water for Elephants. Tai’s celebrity and the popularity of the movie seem to be the motivation for the extremist groups to garner publicity for themselves and their cause. As our work in the movie proves you can make something look like anything to suit your purposes. That is why they call it “movie magic”.

Rest assured that we will continue to provide Tai and all of our elephants with the love and excellent care they deserve.

Gary and Kari Johnson

Have Trunk Will Travel, Inc.

The Circus "NO SPIN ZONE": Water For Elephants 1930's Depression ..

The Circus "NO SPIN ZONE": Water For Elephant’s Star Tai



  1. Well, I guess Tai isn't going to be doing any more movie work. What studio would want the heat? The American Humane Association, of course is a Hollywood entity, paid by the studios so they can satisfy the public's questions about the animals. They were on set for The orang flicks and were just about the only ones who evidently didn't see Berosini's disciple methods. Burt Renolds was quite candid about the off screen action.
    Peta has long wanted to expose AMA for what it is. This will give them more fodder.
    How is the public ever going to believe that every video is just a carefully edited fake? Or that all these things are isolated examples? Why doesn't the circus just come out and be frank "They are not our family, though most of us love and care about them, but this is what it takes to keep them performing consistently - love it or leave it"
    Rodeo is a lot more honest. They drag the calves around in the open and still pack the stands, so evidently there are enough people who don't have a problem with it. And they don't call them "one of the family" either.

  2. Food for thought:

    Mary’s health took a turn for the worse this week and the decision to euthanize her was made carefully by Zoo Veterinarian Dr. Baeyens and Zoo Director Mike Blakely.

    After her passing, Mary’s companion, Ellen, an elephant living at the Little Rock Zoo since 1954, WAS THEN ALLOWED INTO THE BARN TO SAY GOODBYE TO MARY.


    The Zoo is continuing to work with the Asian Elephant Species Survival Plan (SSP) to acquire an additional elephant to be a companion for Ellen.

    FLOWERS AND OTHER MEMORIALS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC WILL BE PLACED AT THE ELEPHANT EXHIBIT IN MEMORY OF MARY and donations can be made to the International Elephant Foundation, a non-profit supporting elephant conservation.

    DONATIONS IN HONOR OF MARY can be made at www.elephantconservation.org or by check at IEF, P.O. Box 366, Azle, TX 76098.

    Mary has lived at the Little Rock Zoo since 2001 when she was acquired by the Zoo from the Ringling Bros. Center for Elephant Conservation in Florida.("AS PART OF THEIR ANIMAL COMPANION PROGRAM")

    "I am a firm believer in human rights and just as firm of a believer in animal welfare. I do not believe that animals have the same rights as humans, but that conviction is starting to waver. I have read and heard enough statement's the past half dozen years, like the one above, from professionals whom I respect greatly in the captive animal industry, that I have started to "rethink" my belief's on animal rights, as least as it pertains to elephants. If the same protocol that was bestowed to Princess Diana and the Royal Family of England is followed and suggested for Mary then I, who respect elephants and animals with all my heart and life have to wonder if elephants, at least, do not have the same rights as I, a member of the human race."

    Wade Burck

  3. A rep for AHA tells us, "We were not present when this video was shot in 2005. We are not clear about all of the content of this video."

    The rep adds, "We hope with all our heart that the disturbing images on it are not what they appear to be. We know Tai, have worked with Tai, care about Tai and we have never witnessed any mistreatment of Tai."

    California Penal Code Section 596.5 passed in 1989 states:

    It shall be a misdemeanor for any owner or manager of an elephant to engage in abusive behavior towards the elephant, which behavior shall include the discipline of the elephant by any of the following methods:

    · Deprivation of food, water, or rest.

    · Use of electricity.

    · Physical punishment resulting in damage, scarring, or breakage of skin.

    · Insertion of any instrument into any bodily orifice.

    · Use of martingales.

    · Use of block and tackle.


  4. Anonymous,
    Double standards, there's the real abuse. I'll bet if Tai was a male elephant and had put a R-Patz on Reece Witherspoons bottom(who wouldn't want to?)the bleeding pc lefties would have been all over it.

    Read more: http://www.mirror.co.uk/celebs/news/2011/05/07/elephant-gropes-robert-pattinson-115875-23112629/#ixzz1M3NsbPTe


  5. Burke why are you being an asshole and posting bull thit anoymos comments for

  6. I am a naturally suspicious and cynical person.
    As such, I have a gut feeling about all this.
    This movie cost a lot to make, probably upward of $100 million.
    The pockets that money comes from are the same pockets that control media.
    Why would they promote this beef on TMZ if it wasn't the plan all along?
    A couple of hundred million bucks seems like an awful lot of stew...
    but,to kick over animal entertain- ment in the USA it may just be what it takes.
    Besides, they'll probably recoup all of that money anyway and come out looking like saints.
    I feel bad for the Johnsons and think they were double-crossed.

  7. AR people have had it out for Gary & Kari for years. I had a feeling that they were going to be exploited by animal rights extremist groups after this film came out.

    Have Truck will Travel is a class act and take excellent care of their elephants. They are committed to their elephants, elephant welfare and conservation. This video is well edited BS.

    If we don't open our eyes soon to the true agenda of the AR groups you may soon not be allowed to own a horse or a dog.

  8. Where are you going with this?

    "If the same protocol that was bestowed to Princess Diana and the Royal Family of England is followed and suggested for Mary then I, who respect elephants and animals with all my heart and life have to wonder if elephants, at least, do not have the same rights as I, a member of the human race."

    Wade Burck

  9. I do like Pete's "Plausible Conspiracy Theory". I see this as a possible scenario...
    1. Obtain footage of alleged abuse
    2. Convince big time movie exec with same AR agenda to produce bigtime movie starring elephant in suspect footage
    3. Movie execs make movie showing a lot of abuse, and trying to make circus people look dirty, crooked, and very violent
    4. One week after release of movie release suspect footage of alleged abuse hoping to add some free buzz about movie, and possibly topple over one of the bigger pieces left on the chess board

    I hate to give them credit for being able to think this many moves ahead, but if they did, and this was how they wanted it to play...wow...I think they got both rooks and the queen

  10. PK,
    I too am a naturally suspicious and cynical person, as I suspect every one in our industry is, given the nature of that industry. We have all seen the "first time ever" "the biggest and grandest" paper hung and chuckled. LOL
    Although I may be wrong, I don't believe this piece of crap called WFE had a budget anywhere near 100 million. I also don't believe there was a "double cross." I believe it is nothing more then to distance themselves from the issue, as their pr department had to authorize every piece of stupid "they are our children" "Tia's mommy" "instant magic between Tia and Reece" etc. etc. etc. that we gagged on post production. They have only thrown a rock into the bushes, like Roy Rogers pinned down behind a rock in a gun fight, in a effort to draw attention there. Not unlike a zoo in the aftermath of an elephant "accident" being quick to point out it is not their fault, it is the fault of the enclosure wall, and thus the fault of the the person who built the enclosure. Further defined as gagging and pissing down your leg in a litigious society.
    But I will tell you where I see a "double cross" here, Pete. This video is much clearer and easier to see and follow then the previous "undercover" video taken in England at Bobby Robert winter quarters. If you compare the two, the "action" is not as cut up and jerked around in the present one. I don't see on thing that suggests it is an "undercover" or hidden video. It looks to me like someone was authorized to stand right there and video tape and take pictures. I don't see anything shot through a peep hole anyplace. I see awful clear footage, granted abbreviated in one or two instances, shot with I would have to assume was full knowledge. That's where I see "double cross," and that is what is so very unfortunate. We have all been there, done that. Similarly, Sonny Black lost, in addition to his standing in the Bonanno family his hands and his life, due to the brilliant infiltration of Donnie Brasco, some one Sonny Black welcomed into his world only to learn Donnie was actually FBI agent Joe Pistone. The evilest of all "double crosses", from trusted friends, allies, or family members.

  11. Casey,
    Come on. You are kidding right. I don't think that is what PK was suggesting, and if he was, he is not as sharp as I have assumed he was. Next to the "disgruntled employee" card(I am so grateful that hasn't been played) the "circus picked on victim" card is number 3 on the list of all time lame alibi's with only the "discrimination" card being between it, and the "disgruntled employee" card. That's about all that can be said for your conspiracy theory other then to look at what Darlene said, "next is horses and dogs." Are you suggesting that Hollywood is working behind the scenes directing it's self towards never, ever, doing a movie that involves an animal again, starting with elephants? Nat Geo, Animal Planet, History Channel, etc. etc. etc.? If that is what you are suggesting, then yes your theory "might" be plausible.

  12. Imdb.com has the budget at $38M (estimated) which is a low budget for a Hollywood film these days.
    I believe the budget was closer to $50M especially since they probably paid out at least $10M to the stars and director (collectively) right off the bat. (Reese got at least $2M.) It has grossed over $63M worldwide so far.

  13. Addendum to Casey,

    Where are you going with this?

    "If the same protocol that was bestowed to Princess Diana and the Royal Family of England is followed and suggested for Mary then I, who respect elephants and animals with all my heart and life have to wonder if elephants, at least, do not have the same rights as I, a member of the human race."

    "I am beginning to believe what the animal rights activist have been trying to tell us,that elephants, in addition to being "like family to us", and "children to us" are in fact of a higher being then humans, given they never intend to hurt anyone, and just have accidents, and are indeed worthy of human rights and considerations. For many years, the lame alibi's hadn't convinced me, but after I learned that Ellen, after being allowed to say goodbye to dead Mary, and zoo staff had to give her extra attention and care around the clock(suicide watch?)as well as a place for flowers and memorials at the exhibit, not unlike the gates of Buckingham Palace, no way, ever will you convince me that they are not human, with the same emotions, feelings, and knowledge of right from wrong, and thus are indeed humans, and deserving of animal rights, and I am going to start looking at other species in a different light. That's where I went with that.

  14. Anonymous said...

    Burke why are you being an asshole and posting bull thit anoymos comments for

    May 11, 2011 9:35 AM

    Burck. BURCK, ok. For the exact same reason I am posing yours. As a citizen of a free nation, I feel fellow citizens have a right to all information on which to base an opinion. I never went much for book burning and censorship, and as we near Memorial Day I will respect the lives that were given for me to have that freedom. A person revered on bended knee as "the blog meister" wrote the law a couple of years ago. As he was a soldier, I can only assume he feels the same way about censorship and freedom. He passed the tablet down which stated that any comment was either "fetching" and must be posted or "unseemly" and must be vaporized.
    Now that you understand why, I was kind of in a pickle with your statement. Some folks would suggest it was "unseemly" because you said bullthit(I assume you meant bull shit), but other folk's would suggest it was "fetching" because you called me an "asshole." Appreciate how hard it was to make the right decision and post your comment. What I did was class it as a performative contradiction. An other example of a performative contradiction, besides your comment is a statement such as, "This statement is false." That is a statement where it is false if it is true and true if it is false. No one is really sure what the implications of such statements are for logic or knowledge. While "fetching" and "unseemly" are simply personal opinions, a performative contradiction, of which I place your comment is interesting in that it show us how thought can run up against itself and gets confused. That's why I sometimes chose to post your anonymous comment as well as one's that have given you a snuggie.
    I will bid you good day, with some words from the great Abraham Lincoln(you do know who he was, don't you?)

    If I were to try to read, much less answer, all the attacks made on me, this shop might as well be closed for any other business. I do the very best I know how—the very best I can; and I mean to keep doing so until the end. If the end brings me out all right, what’s said against me won’t amount to anything. If the end brings me out wrong, ten angels swearing I was right would make no difference. A. Lincoln

  15. I am sure you have heard this all before but just in case you haven't....

    What the Animal "Rights" People Are Really Saying-

    Pet ownership is an "absolutely abysmal situation brought about by human manipulation." "Eventually companion animals would be phased
    -Ingrid Newkirk, PETA

    The animal rights movement is "part of a revolutionary process aimed at restructuring the major institution of society..."
    -Dr. Morgan, Mobilization for Animals

    Arson, property destruction, burglary and theft are "acceptable crimes" when used for the animals' cause.
    -Alex Pacheco (PETA)

    PeTA says,
    "In a perfect world, all other-than-human animals would be free of
    human interference, and dogs and cats would be part of the ecological

    "Dogs should not be," and "Cats, like dogs, must disappear."
    "pets are slaves." -John Bryant, Animalist Manifesto

    PeTA just spent more than $100,000 on its attempt to ban carriage horses in D.C., and more than ten thousand on one ad (equating everyone who eats meat with mass murderer Jeffrey Dahmer)

    ....If the AR activists win this battle against animals in entertainment and circuses, what's next? The Rodeo? Zoos? Medical research? Our right to have pets? Seeing eye dogs? Their aganda starts here and ends in our living rooms.

    Personally, the only "ecological scheme" my little dog would be a part of would be a coyote snack. My little slave would be at my door begging to come back inside.

  16. LOL....Thank God that is where you were going....For a second I thought you were serious....

  17. I don't think you're correct about the footage being filmed in the open. Yes, it's clearer than Mary's clips, but even a cell phone takes clearer film than that, and in full color. That looks to be taken with a low resolution camera that can easily be concealed on the clothing - some are the size of a button.
    It does look like it was taken by someone standing right next to the ring or arena, so it must have been an employee or trusted visitor. Was it Peta, or ADI who first released the film? If it's ADI, it's odd that it was first released in the UK, and months after it was taken, don't you think?

  18. I said it was a "Plausible Theory" I didn't say I believed it. I think the people really high in this food chain are only concerned with making the most money from their movie, before it hits netflix and DVD at Wally World. But think of the implications they could have if Century Fox decided to throw movie and TV animals under the bus....I am just saying....It is plausible

  19. Casey,
    Yes, you are correct. Not only is it plausible, it makes perfect sense. If you live in Wonderland with Alice and the Cheshire Cat.

  20. Casey,
    "LOL....Thank God that is where you were going....For a second I thought you were serious."

    Serious as a heart attack. How could any reasonably intelligent person, given what the circus/zoo and the captive animal industry have told us, not accept that at least elephants are equal to humans, and deserve the same rights. You are not suggesting they are BSing me are you?

  21. "Well, after this, I should think nothing of falling down stairs"

    "Oh, you can't help that. Most everyone's mad here"
    The Cat

  22. I feel the damage of saying things that are not true is finally being seen. "We treat them like our kids", "We don't touch them with this" "We don't hit them with whips" "It wasn't an attack, the animal was trying to save him/her" "They are pets" and the building of multi-million dollar facilities to better the animals "Mental Health"is the whole we have dug, now it is just time till they fill it up with dirt on top of us...

  23. Anonymous,
    You are assuming it was a professional camera man/photographer. I know a pot load of people, myself included, who couldn't take a good picture/video on there best day, with the best conditions. But we still take, or attempt to take a picture or video. I have tons, and tons of worthless pictures and videos taken over the years with the best intentions of friends and families with cameras. After buying a couple of grand worth of camera, zoom len's, macro lens, I pawned it, and now depend exclusively on a card board deal from Wal Mart. The high dollar video camera I bought two years ago, I attempted 3 times. It has sat in the closet with the other two video camera's I bought over the years, that also "didn't take a video worth beans, plus apertures suck, as well as f stops." I plead electronically challenged as an alibi. If it eats meat or hay, I'm it's huckleberry. If it has more then an on/off switch, I have no business being with in 10 feet of it. Although, I love to try.
    As far as I know it is an ADI tape, and why it was released in England is probably because England is Mecca since the Mary incident you mention in 89 as well as decades before. That's going to get it picked up and zapped around the world faster then any place else. Why wait until now? Let's speculate that a relatively short period of time passed before they had the tape, and Water For Elephants became a best seller, about a year or a bit more, as I understand. They won't release it right away, until they decide what it is they have, and how best to use it. As they are deciding WFE hit's the big time. Let's assume they also catch wind that quickly after there are "rumors" the movie right's are being negotiated for WFE. We have to assume they know who all animal production companies are, and who may be contracted. It has been pointed out that Have Trunk Will Travel has had issues with them in the past. The smart play, brilliant in fact, if you have ever studied "The Art Of War" by Sun Tzu would be to sit on what you have, which isn't squat, and see how the efforts to make the movie play out. If the movie get's made that squat you are sitting on, turns into gold. Priceless, if the pr plays the love and affection, only rewards, no bull hooks/disipline to be found, just like family, daughter of Kari, special bond with the stars, etc. etc. card. I hate to say touche, you walked right into it, but it was one of Sun Tzu's greatest battle plan's.
    If you recall a couple of weeks ago after getting dozens of links a day from well meaning folks regarding the movie and it's release, I posted on this blog that if any of them had the pr that I have mentioned above I wouldn't be posting them, and please don't be offended, as it isn't directed at your sending the links to me for posting.


  24. Casey,

    "Well, after this, I should think nothing of falling down stairs"

    "Oh, you can't help that. Most everyone's mad here"
    The Cat

    Now you have gotten the point.

    I feel the damage of saying things that are not true is finally being seen. "We treat them like our kids", "We don't touch them with this" "We don't hit them with whips" "It wasn't an attack, the animal was trying to save him/her" "They are pets" and the building of multi-million dollar facilities to better the animals "Mental Health"is the whole we have dug, now it is just time till they fill it up with dirt on top of us...

    Now you have really gotten the point. That's close to verbatim what I suggested to you 4 years ago when I first met you, and a few day's ago, on the phone. You and the next generation have a job to do, understand mistakes of my generation, and don't shoot the other foot.


  25. Here is the latest from Hollywood:
    Scroll down to video from KTLA (Los Angeles)News and their report:


  26. Darlene, you'll still be able to own a dog or a horse, but if you get caught wailing on them - you'll probably get a hefty fine or some jail time. For every circus expose, there's a hundred cruelty cases brought to trial involving dogs and horses. So, no, the circus isn't being picked on out of the blue. It's just that no one gave the circus special dispensation to do whatever they want while the general public has laws they too have to obey. But having said that, it's still sad that the lucrative movie money that built Have Trunk is sure to dry up. It looks like the best private facility in the country.

  27. The second ADI video:

  28. For Darlene and others who wanted an unedited, bit's and pieces version and not an undercover ar piece of crap, I guess your wish was their command. I told you this wasn't a "hidden tape". If you watch all of them the last 20 years from an impartial plane, they are obvious what they are. Note the girl say, "don't be videoing me hooking them". Just my opinion and personal code, but I don't believe I would have had some one like that girl, doing what I observed being done, around any of my animals.

    Laying Plans

    (1) Which of the two sovereigns is imbued with the Moral law? (2) Which of the two generals has most ability? (3) With whom lie the advantages derived from Heaven and Earth? (4) On which side is discipline most rigorously enforced? (5) Which army is stronger? (6) On which side are officers and men more highly trained? (7) In which army is there the greater constancy both in reward and punishment?

    By means of these seven considerations I can forecast victory or defeat.

    Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.

    All warfare is based on deception.

    Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.

    If he is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him.

    If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant.

    Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.

    These military devices, leading to victory, must not be divulged beforehand.

    FYI for all you well meaning folks, who just get so pissed off, angry, and irritated at what is said or done and "help" by saying or doing something really, really stupid:

    The general, unable to control his irritation, will launch his men to the assault like swarming ants, with the result that one-third of his men are slain, while the town still remains untaken. Such are the disastrous effects of a siege.
    Sun Tzu

    With respect to all, let's hope for the best, and do the right thing for an industry that is dear to all of us.

  29. Anonymous
    I think you are kidding yourself. It seems to me their words say it all and it is quite clear-

    "In a perfect world, all other-than-human animals would be free of
    human interference, and dogs and cats would be part of the ecological

  30. What was the reason the film about Mabel Stark, that was going to feature Jodie Foster, was cancelled. Was it AR pressure?

  31. OMG, The Sanctuary would make a bloody fortune, having a real live abused and confiscated baby elephant. The money would roll in faster than they could count it.

  32. Dar,
    Due respect Anonymous is not kidding. That's a fact. It'll never happen in a million years. That's their "mission" their "dream" their "wish list." Nothing more then a child want a sucker or Gandhi wanting world peace. Address issues, explain your feelings about what you see on the videos. Explain what you feel is abuse and what isn't. Help the world to understand. Don't waste your energy worrying about the sky falling. Deal with today, right now, this moment.

  33. Anonymous said...

    Looks like too many Art Bell listeners have the wheels spinning.
    It's probably as simple as this: someone who worked there or visited often (if the footage was all taken on one day, then those people have a full schedule and use the hook every minute of the day). So the filmer was around enough that the Johnsons were comfortable having the activities filmed - even though some of it still looks like it was filmed from waist high andd not heldd up to the eye like it would be if you wanted people to know you were filming, but anyway...this person has the footage, plus undoubtedly much more lying around. To use the disgruntled employee line, because obviously he/she wouldn't have released it if he liked the Johnsons.
    Then the movie comes out and he/she thinks "I'll get even with those SOBs for - firing me - paying me shit pay - not letting me work the elephants....whatever" and fires it off to ADI. Simple as that. We might even be treated to an interview with him/her when he/she surfaces to testify when the trial begins. (you think Bob Barker is going to let THIS one slip through his fingers?)
    The animals might even end up in Galt or Hohenwald.

  34. Lets see if we can keep the anonymous sorted out:

    Anonymous Mable Stark,
    Nothing to do with animal rights. Much excitement in the industry over rumors. Plain and simple, nobody cared, nobody gave a damn, no public interest world wide. Who's Mable Stark? That's it, no ar conspiracy.

    Anonymous sanctuary,
    Very funny Carol, ha ha. Shouldn't you be working on your "disgruntled CEO" defense, in your up coming court date with TES, instead of cracking funny?

    Anonymous Art Bell,
    I respect the Johnson's to much to expect them to go with that lame alibi. A "Donnie Brasco", a friend who really wasn't a friend is the sad fact. How many times have you seen or heard of a newsman or person for that matter be told, "shut the camera off for a while" or "shut it off or I will have you removed from here" in a tense situation, and he/she complies by saying ok, and pretending to shut the camera off, then taking it off of his/her shoulder or away from his/her face and placing it down at their side or holding it on their front, all the while it is running away and recording. I know of over a hundred famous instances, and I'll bet you do to. Professionals are instructed in the art of the "fake shutdown" and encouraged in many situations to initiate it.


  35. From Australia:


  36. PK,
    How nice that Peter Stroud has been able to take time off from his busy schedule of designing elephant exhibit around the world, to offer his "knowledge" on this subject also.

  37. The Hollywood propaganda machine following their orders:


  38. Sun Tzu?
    The chink in the armor?

  39. PK,
    Some folks take show business to serious:

    Hey, Producers / Film Makers:

    Protect Your Ass*

    *and your horse, your dog and every other animal on your set
    You’re going to use an animal on your set, aren’t you? Well, and why wouldn’t you? What was Dorothy without Toto? The Bradys without Tiger? Harry Potter without Hedwig?
    Have at it then! Just make sure you call American Humane Association and arrange for our services on your production.

    Why Would I Do That?” You Say
    “Why wouldn’t you?” we say.

    First, it’s safe — not only for the animals, but also for you, your actors and your crew.
    Second, you can gain publicity for your project through our online film reviews and our niche media contacts.
    Third and fourth, we’ll assure the public that your dogfighting scene only looks real, when in reality, all the dogs on your set had one big play session. And you’ll get the chance to earn our popular end-credit disclaimer that says “No Animals Were Harmed”®.
    Best of all, our services are free to domestic SAG and AFTRA productions!
    What more could you want?
    But Wait, There’s More!
    When you work with American Humane Association on your production, you get:

    * A pre-production risk evaluation
    * Specialized animal experts who can speak directly to the needs and nuances of your production
    * Advice, education and information on a huge variety of species and humane issues
    * Access to an organization of animal professionals in myriad fields such as animal therapy and the human-animal bond
    * American Humane Association’s Certified Animal Safety Representatives™ on your set
    * American Humane Association’s Guidelines for the Safe Use of Animals in Filmed Media
    * On-set safety advice — when you protect the animals on your set, you protect your cast and crew, too
    * Documentation of all the animal action and how well you treated the animals
    * An independent, professional, objective witness to the treatment of animals
    * Protection from unwarranted controversy
    * Post-production response to public inquiries
    * An experienced and respected authority to act as liaison to the media and the public
    * Public relations, publicity and promotional support in both mainstream press and to millions of animal lovers and pet owners nationwide
    * The trademarked end credit disclaimer: “No Animals Were Harmed”
    * Online film ratings and reviews
    * Posters and other set dressings
    * The right to hold your head up high, knowing you did the right thing and protected all creatures great and small on your set

  40. If these AR people are so concerned for Thai's well being why did it take them 6 years to release this video? Were they were waiting for a good opportunity or a movie to spin out their propaganda wheel, therefore bringing in more donations to help further their cause?

    In some of their footage you cant even see the elephants faces or the trainers faces or the background/location.

  41. Anonymous,
    You know which one you are. Your the one with the "odd" spelling and punctuation and spelling who has also left an anonymous comment on the "history channel." I'll make you a deal. You contact me at wburck3@aol.com and introduce yourself, and explain to me why you need to remain anonymous. The rules for an anonymous comment directed at an individual, with unsubstantiated proof are fear of reprisal, or fear of losing your employment.
    I'll keep your comment safe, until I hear from you, then I will answer your questions.

  42. Both Tara and Flora were trained by Gary Johnson and Smokey Jones

  43. Lots of interesting discussion here, and kudos to you Wade for making it possible.

    What I would really like to know is if the so-called "professionals" think this is acceptable - or abuse? Are these common training methods?


  44. Nicci,
    Who's "professionals?" Theirs or ours. I define abuse as anything that does not accomplish something. ie. If you ask a horse to "get over" and he doesn't get over and you start tapping, tapping, tapping, tapping and 15 minutes later he still hasn't moved over, that's abuse. If you ask a horse to "get over" and he doesn't get over and then you tell him and and then promise him, it's not abuse. He did what was requested of him, relatively quick. How hard did you have to "tell him?" Who knows, that's his choice, and they are each and every one different. I am talking a well trained animal, not an new, just starting animal. With them you give a few more chances to get it right, because they don't understand what right is.
    Almost every dog in the world has a leash, it's mandatory in a dog park. That's because those folks can't make their dog walk with them, without running away or fighting with other dog's. Those dog's weigh 5 to 100 lbs. Yet those same folks infer that they can tell an animal/elephant trainer how to walk with his 5 ton dog, and prevent it from running away or fighting. All without a leash. Hell, they don't even want him to touch it. Just make it walk beside you, "because it loves you, and if you love them they will be good." Fine, you all take your leashes off and walk your dozen's of dogs through the "doggy trails." By the way, don't touch him either, just show me how he walks with you "because it loves you, and if you love them they will be good."

  45. Apparently Anonymous didn't feel that their questions were answered to their satisfaction, as they posted their question again yesterday.

    "Anonymous said...

    If these AR people are so concerned for Thai's well being why did it take them 6 years to release this video? Were they were waiting for a good opportunity or a movie to spin out their propaganda wheel, therefore bringing in more donations to help further their cause?

    In some of their footage you cant even see the elephants faces or the trainers faces or the background/location."

    You that they don't feel slighted, we will repost their question, and answer it personally

    Did they have the footage for 6 years or was the footage 6 years old? Actually, 10 years ago or one day ago has no bearing what so ever. ADI has already issued a statement that the footage was part of a larger investigation, and that it was finally released given the many false public statements made by HTWT, notably that no hot shot's are ever used, except in the case of danger to personnel. Truthfully, HTWT's rebuttal that none of what is seen on the tapes occurred "during filming for WFE" was a real mystery. What relevance is "when it occurred?" Are they suggesting it is acceptable if it occurred before WFE, or acceptable at any other time?
    Why in the world do you need to see the elephants faces? Are you one of those who can distinguish a smile on an elephant? If you are that aware you should be able to tell me under what circumstances an elephant makes a "cluck like a chicken" sound, which is a very common sound in an elephants sound vocabulary? The statement "don't be filming me hooking them" didn't really need an elephant facial shot, do you think?
    Unfortunately, well meaning, uninformed, defensive folks like you, as I have mentioned often in the past, have done more harm then good for the Johnson's and the profession I love. Knock it off, and quite with the lame alibi's. You are making us all look stupid if folks assume it is a learned member of the profession making those statements.
