Saturday, May 14, 2011

Opinions are like farts. Everyone has one, but they think everyone else's stinks. Is that how it goes, I am not sure.

From the "history channel:" "I might suggest having the ladies at right hold Grecian Urns." I might suggest Roman centurions, below had already been done, and there wasn't a need for a similar repeat. Let's try something different and see if that works. The old doesn't seem to interest many people any more. Or isn't box office an indicator of anything?

Just my opinion, but I think the "venom" directed at the two young Feld ladies, Alana and Nicole as they embark on being a show producer are appalling. Way to encourage old timers, that's the spirit of the warm, friendly, cuddly world of the circus. New blood should be lining up in droves to get into this dead, just hasn't fallen over yet industry.


  1. Opninions are like assholes - everyone has one, and most of them stink

  2. Anonymous,
    Thank you, Socrates. I knew it was something like that. LOL It's a pretty good cliche for a whiner, when someone disagrees with them.

  3. Thankyou Wade for recognizing this. There are some wonderful people who are very encouraging to the few of us coming into the business, and you have always been good to me, whenever I needed advice. But you are absolutely correct, there are a few out there (Out of respect for the elderly, I won't name names lol) that have been pretty rotten. Thanks much for everything!

  4. Dominick,
    Of course I recognize it. I at one point was ass deep in the "warm, cuddly" cesspool world of the circus welcome wagon, but there were enough nurturing soul's that it helped me stick it out. The biggest reason I was told why I "couldn't" do it was that I was not a "blue blood/circus royalty" which is why you may note my sarcasm/bitterness on that subject at times. If you study history accurately you will note that the majority, vast majority in fact, particularly in the animal training branch of the circus came from "outside/towners." The handful of truly great ones were all from the outside, with no preconceived notion of what they could or could not do, which produced the Beatty's, the Baumanns, and the Gebel's. The list goes on and on.
    Today is a much different world, Dom and I have found the young trainers of today to be very cocky, arrogant, not very gracious, and too eager to take credit for absolutely nothing. It's takes time, lot's of time, and you have to grind that time, to then be able to reflect on how well something was done. There is no competition like there was 30 years ago, and it is easy to "self appoint" great deeds, when there is nothing to compare it too. Like a horse in a match race, all you did was beat horse # 2. The great horse is the one in the Derby, the Preakness who beat's 15/20 horse's.
    Be safe,
