Saturday, May 28, 2011

Old MarineWorld-Africa USA


I believe that is Ron Whitfield, year unknown, in the third and fourth pictures, who had one of the greatest lion and tiger act's of what Buckles Woodcock refers to as the "GGW era," for many years at MarineWorld. Does anyone know who is presenting the elephants in the first two pictures?


  1. According to Pat Flora (courtesy of his wife Molly), the first two photos feature Ron as well. The second photo also includes Ron's first wife Roxanne and the announcer Steve May.

  2. Radar,
    Thank you, and thank the Flora's also. Just like I missed some of the greatest horse act's by being born to late, you have missed some of the greatest cage act's, Ryan. To bad you tube wasn't around back in the day when Ron had the major fight(I don't recall the year) break out in the arena, when during a performance over a dozen male lions all of a sudden decided to square off and go "mano a mano." Talking to Ron and other folks there a few day's later, I learned the "Royal Rumble" continued for over a half hour, in spite of incredible efforts by Ron and staff. I watched the only known footage years ago of the incident which was a 13 minute 8 mm film, and even though I had been ass deep in similar situation's many times, it curled my hair. Those thugs slammed into each other screaming and slashing, then would break off and in gangs of 4,6,8 would charge at Ron, some trying to rear flank him and some head on, while he was standing in the middle of the fury trying to restore order. Incredibly he managed to stay on his feet, and get them calmed and sent out of the arena. I think the following year was when he took a few lions out of the act and added tigers for a mixed act that consisted of, I believe over 16 animals. Now I am going to go "Herriott" on you and suggest if you think what you have seen today is "all that" Radar, I guarantee you would have gotten a chubby looking at some of the great act's produced in the 1970's-1980's, the greatest decade of wild animal presentation's since the Beatty era. Nuff said. Case closed.


  3. Wade I kind of have to agree with you, it seems the older tamers faced greater danger then many around today. Would you by any chance be able to upload that 8mm film of the lion fight in Whitfield's act? I also read he had a big lion tiger fight too, similar to what happened in Beatty's acts.

    Sevengill: The Shark and Me - Page 149
    Don C. Reed - 1987 - ‎Snippet view - ‎More editions
    Trainer Ron Whitfield was working his usual act, with the all-male tiger and lion group mounted on a pyramid. ... With a noise like a freight- train collision, the high-fenced arena shook under the hurtling impact of fighting lions and tigers.

  4. Wade: Ron Whitfield is a friend of Andy Goldfarb. They both had tigers from Josip Marcan. By the way I gather Dr. Antel breeds chimpanzees. Sincerely Paul
