Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Natural Born Jungle KIllers

Unknown Circus 1935

Clyde Beatty

Alfred Court

Roger Smith

A statement made quite often, to cast aspersion's on modern circus trainers is that they really aren't actual trainers because raising animals to acclimate them to the sights, sounds and rigor's isn't what the "old school" did. The old school we are spun/told used only "natural born jungle killers." In other words only adult animal freshly captured by a Buck type of character, the kind that would inflict "cat scratch fever" if given the opportunity. You have to wonder if they kept a few cubs around just for photo op's, and then got rid of them when they got to big as they weren't the "natural born jungle killer" kind. Yet it is generally accepted by zoologists that an animal that has lost it's fear of a human, is more dangerous to that human then a wild animal, which has not been in contact with humans.

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