Saturday, May 7, 2011

Jeannette Williams--RBBB 1971

Just incredible!!!! How long do you think it will be, before we ever see anything like this again. Folks today often ask, "when did the circus stop being about glamor, allure, excitement, beauty, and grace?" In fairness, they all were not and there were many embarrassing rag bag's back in the day. They just weren't the majority as they are today, and there was only ONE, The Greatest Show on Earth.


  1. Wade,

    I've seen this with tigers, I never would have imagined it could be done with horses.

    Hard to imagine the red blooded American males in the show audiences were able to pay much attention to the horses though, Sigrid and Jeannette were simply stunning.

    Vincent/San Diego

  2. Vincent,
    "Hard to imagine the red blooded American males in the show audiences were able to pay much attention to the horses though, Sigrid and Jeannette were simply stunning." Harder apparently then anyone can imagine, as we have to assume there were 3 rings of horses, and Jeanette seems to have "rocked Mr. DeWolfs boat." LOL Does anyone know who was in the third ring in 1971?
    Back in the day, when there was incredible excitement, as well as incredible jealousy towards the Ringling show, about November of each year all anybody could talk about was who/what was going to be on Ringling the following year, and what the theme/spec was going to be, and whether you had a ticket for the premier in Venice or not. Now the Ringling show is out for 6 months before folks realize "oh wait a minute, Ringling's new show is out isn't it?" I had only been in the circus about 5 month's when November arrived, and all talk turned to Ringling. Folks made an effort to be as critical as possible and all I heard was that GGW wasn't really working the elephant's "by voice command alone", but actually had men helping him(duh) and that further more, the "Germans" only claim to great training was that he was able to get his wife and ex wife to work in adjoining rings with out killing each other. Having only seen GGW once and being blown away, I really thought "this guy must be greater then I imagined, everyone hate's him so."
    When I started dyeing my hair in 1977, a representative from Clairol said they were happy to have a dinky show using their product, as up to that time 65% of their product was sold to Ringling. LOL

  3. Gunther was in the center ring with the horses, between his current and ex-wife.

  4. Anonymous,
    Thank you. I knew that, but I wanted someone else to tell Vincent so he wouldn't have a hard time anymore imagining what "red blooded American males in the show audience" were focused on. I can also promise Vincent that "red blooded American females" were focused in an entirely different direction. LOL


  5. Wade,

    Touch'e, your point and the observation about our fine "red blooded American females" and what they found attractive in the show is spot on. As one could say, the circus has something for everyone.

    I only figured out GGW was dyeing his hair after he'd retired. Watching an interview I realized something was wasn't right and thought " why is his hair brown, it should be greying", when I figured it out I lmao. Once again things are not always as they seem under the big top. We all should have bought stock in clairol there was profit to be made back then.

    Vincent/San Diego
