Friday, May 6, 2011

Bronco Bill with Salt and Sauce--1910


  1. The two postcards show Salt and Sauce then owned by John "Broncho Bill" Swallow, but presented by the South African trainer, Charles Van Niekirk. Van Niekirk is pictured. Ivor Rosaire later took the elephants over from him. Ivor said Van Niekirk handled these difficult elephants very well. However, they cannot have been too difficult as one was still working in 1960. For more details see Jamie's book "The Legend of Salt and Sauce"!

  2. Furthermore, these pictures couldn't have been taken in 1910. The date would probably have been around 1923. John "Broncho Bill" Swallow took ownership of them in the Christmas season of 1922/23, where they appeared at the Agricultural Hall Islington London.

  3. Jim,
    Thank you for the correction. I was dating by the postmark on the back of the cards. Are these card's in Jamie's book? My copy is not with me at the moment, and I didn't recall.
    Elephant historians, as well as circus fans and folks interested in elephants can order the great book mentioned by going to the link listed in the right hand side of the blog in relevant stops.
    Jim, I am getting ready to head out of the Colonies in a week to "sort out" a new group of 12 tigers, and was going to contact you and see if you had a source of the twisted willow with the swivel on the lash end and the aluminum knob on the handle end, but from what I gather on the grapevine your people in Japan are looking for whip's also. What's going on? Is Emil busting them all up? LOL
    Be safe friend,

  4. Why would Jim's 'people in Japan' be looking for whips? John Illig makes his own.

  5. Anonymous,
    Apparently he isn't sharing them with Andrea.

  6. Greetings,
    I have for the last few days been cataloging family photo's, and I have found another 'Card' from Bronco Bill's circus. it depicts,One elephant, and two horses. One of my relations was with B'B', I was told that he toured with him.
    But we took it as family 'folk law'
    fact is, the 'post card has been writen on, from my relative to my Grandmother!...and in my family we have a picture of the guy in 'Cowboy' wear,,so for me the search for him gets broader!

  7. Anonymous,
    Welcome and thank you for the insight. If you would be kind enough to send me your contact information at I would forward it on to Jamie and Jim Clubb. I am sure they would like to correspond with you further.

