A Blog designed for discussion of topics related to, but not limited to, Circus, Zoos, Animal Training, and Animal Welfare/Husbandry. Sometimes opening up the dialog is the best starting point of all. And if for nothing else when people who agree and don't agree, get together and start discussing it, it will open up a lot of peoples minds. Debate and discussion even amongst themselves opens a window where there wasn't one before.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Frank B. Miller
All I know about Frank B. Miller of Wright City, Missouri, was that he was a jockey and circus rider. Does anyone know any more about him? He had to be more then a "circus rider" to have a poster done featuring him.
Frank miller was an excellent very versatile horse man on circuses and became famous for producing circus Dancing Horses, which was the "menage number" done with skilled riders on well trained horses, doing specialty horses coming dow the Hippodrome Track doing the "cake walk and all other dances popular in the day" He and his horses were a featue on a number of circuses including special paper on the GSOE. He set the standard, along with RHoda Royal in these great equestrian numbers and they would habve therir horses and riders booked on Floto, Ringling, Forepaugh, Buffalo Bill, etc. Hazel King was a rider for Miller on Ringling and his last go-around was probably on the good sized Russell Bros. Truck show. I have his whole BIO done by my friend Dan Draper and you can be sure he was very significent in his day.Glad I could enlighten you. Equestrian John Herriott
Frank miller was an excellent very versatile horse man on circuses and became famous for producing circus Dancing Horses, which was the "menage number" done with skilled riders on well trained horses, doing specialty horses coming dow the Hippodrome Track doing the "cake walk and all other dances popular in the day" He and his horses were a featue on a number of circuses including special paper on the GSOE. He set the standard, along with RHoda Royal in these great equestrian numbers and they would habve therir horses and riders booked on Floto, Ringling, Forepaugh, Buffalo Bill, etc. Hazel King was a rider for Miller on Ringling and his last go-around was probably on the good sized Russell Bros. Truck show. I have his whole BIO done by my friend Dan Draper and you can be sure he was very significent in his day.Glad I could enlighten you. Equestrian John Herriott