Monday, December 27, 2010

Trapper a ls car--1947

Another "animal profession" that has gone the way of the Albatross, with the changing of times. Can you imagine an instructional manual. detailing how to live trap fur bearer's? Note Officer Adams, with the cigarette hanging out the corner of his mouth, while he checks the "day's catch" in the box of the Government issued pickup. I still contend that make "ME" happy political correctness is a major factor in America tanking as it has. Take it back to make "US" happy political correctness.


  1. I think that "political correctness" is a Maoist term, and I'm not sure what it actually means or whether there is such a thing. Eight years of George W. Bush put America in the toilet not political correctness. Sincerely Paul

  2. Paul,
    Nice try. But if you think you can throw a Bush stone in the opposite direction to divert my attention away from the Pierre and Margaret Trudeau Monarchy/Ted Kennedy slumber party, you are mistaken.
    Cut Dub some slack. His partnership with the Saudi Royal Family, has assured the United States of having as much fuel as it needs, as long as she can afford it.
    I think Bush's brightest moment was going on a photo op to have his picture taken on the deck of a battleship, in a fighter pilot costume, a week after hanging Obama wanted posters in every saloon in America, and 48 hours after he had initiated shock and awe, to declare a "brilliant victory over terrorism." That was in 2003 and the varmints from Iraq haven't even shown the courtesy and good graces to show up at the peace table to sign the surrender papers yet, 7 years later in 2010. He wanted to have a photo taken of he, the conquering Napoleon viewing "enemy territory" through binoculars, but luckily was saved by an aide as he posed Patton like foot hiked up on a rock, who stepped up and whispered in his ear, "Sir, turn around. You are looking at Israel." I don't know if that is true or not, but I like to think so. Agreed Paul, Bush put her in the toilet, but political correctness flushed, given it is a Maoist ideology, which is on par with the current administration.


  3. Wade, it is you who are attempting to divert attention from the real issue, which was George W. Bush, by bringing up Pierre and Margaret Trudeau, Canada, and even Ted Kennedy, but nice try. We were discussing George W. Bush, the worst President in US history, who has done so much damage that I honestly doubt that America can ever recover or come back to what it was before the Bush nightmare got started. When George Bush first took office (I'm choosing my words here carefully because I don't think he was elected. He was appointed President by the Supreme Court. Now there's judicial activism for you) we all knew that he was the most unqualified person ever to take office in the history of the country. I said at the time: "Now we're going to see just how bad bad can get !", and do you know what? I'll tell you what. He exceeded all of my worst fears and expectations for him. He turned out to be the dumbest and most incompetent President ever. Just think of all of the hundreds of billions of dollars wasted on pointless wars which have both been lost, against Third World countries. Can you even concieve of how much money a billion dollars is? And who borrows money to pay for a tax cut in the middle of two wars? Do you know that this month alone the US military has suffered more casualties in Afghanistan than in any previous month since the war got started? Do you have any idea how many billions of dollars are flushed down the toilet in Iraq and Afghanistan each and every month? What about the loss of prestige to America, and the US military, which has had it's ass kicked by two Third World countries? We have handed Iraq to Iran on a platter. The war has been a foriegn policy disaster. Do you think we can ever recover from this? Osama Bin Laden (however the heck you spell it) is living in a house in a suburb in Pakistan. He must be laughing his ass off. Do you even think about all of the American casualties? That's all part of the Bush/Cheney legacy. I don't understand your infatuation with the dual monarchy of W & Dick, but if you could detach your lips from Bush's ass for five seconds (You've got to come up for air some time) you might have a different perspective on the world. You might rejoin those of us who live within the realm of reality. When you start ranting about Ted Kennedy you sound like Archie Bunker. Do you know how many Iraqi civilians have died? How many US servicemen have come back crippled, their lives ruined? Obama can't fix that. The US pays one hundred billion dollars a year in interest on loans. Bush has not advanced American intersts through his friendship with the Saudi royal family. He can walk around in public with the King of Saudi Arabia holding hands until the cows come home. The Saudis have the same relationship with every US President and administration. Come on Wade ! Get a sense of reality here ! Happy Newyear.Take care. Sincerely Paul

  4. Paul,
    Double nice try. Me sound like Archie Bunker!!! That's like Abby Hoffman calling the kettle black. By the way, Mr. Never recover, what's the current exchange rate of Canadian dollars to American dollars?

  5. Firstly, all of them suck, and they're all cut from the same cloth. Bush began this war as a thinly disguised 'stimulous' as the country was in recession when he took office. And thousands died and were crippled under the guise of "fighting for our freedom". Obama will maintain this war to satisfy his corporate sponsor, General Electric - the second largest corporation in the world and largest government contractor and tireless campaigner for his election through their NBC propaganda machine. Until he can adequtely thank them with alternative government contracts in windmill tubines, electric cars, energy grid contracts and LED lightbulbs, the war will continue. The military industrial complex is evil no matter who is controlling it at the time.
    And, before Paul can trot out the Haliburton comparrison, let me remind him that Haliburton was split and the government contracting division re-named so that this administration can continue to do business with them without appearing to be hypocrites.
    The thing that amazes me the most is how the Democrats can simply walk away from their part in the housing collapse (which was begun with the 'Community Re-Investment Act'), which mandated banks to lend in low income, largely minority areas, regardless off ability to pay, and guaranteed the bad loans through Barney Frank's darling Fannie Mae. It was this that drove the bank's greeed and artificially raised house prices beyond their value. Bush's greatest crime in this was that he didn't have the balls to stand up to the enivatable cries of racism if he had pushed harder to regulate the lending frenzy.
    But, as long as the cable TV afficionados can speak in the cliched psuedo itellectual sentences fed them by Olberman, Hannity, Mar and the like, nothing will ever change. One corporate puppet adminstration will follow another and those on both sides will continue to offer defense for their side by pointing out the equally corupt deeds of the other. Principle means nothing. Only their loyalty to their own team does. There's nowhere to vote in opposition to the sad turn our country has taken. It's the systematic and the lives of citizens mean nothing when it comes to satisfying corporate sponsors. Karl Marx had the perfect term for these partisan puppets - useful idiots.


  6. Sounds like Australia - only the names are different.

    And yes, we have no real alternative opposition party with testicles and the ability to think and act beyond the next election.

    And when governments can arbitarily step in and take people's property [animals] and give them to other people like your USDA has done, and our government has tried to do, then we can only assume that the spirit of Marx and Mao lives on in different hemispheres.

  7. Steve...
    I sadly agree. I think we are flying down that highway as well.

  8. Wade, the last time I checked the Canadian and US dollars were exactly equal in value, but under the Trudeau monarchy, which you alluded to, the Canadian dollar was worth significantly more than the American. I shudder to think what would happen if the Chinese were to dump their US dollar reserves. By the way, speaking of the Chinese, the Edinburgh Zoo is getting pandas. Sincerely Paul

  9. Paul,
    1 Washington = 0.985647 Queen Elizabeth doesn't equate to equal in my bank book, A.....
    We used to be paid 1/2 Yank and 1/2 Canuck when we were at Marineland, during the Trudeau Monarchy. The exchange rate fluctuated between 11 and 15%. Standard practice(for anyone paid half salary in foreign currency) was to spend as much of your Beth's as you could at the end of the season so as not to get hammered when leaving. Pretty stupid because in hindsight, I wish I had put my Beth's in a Canadian Bank, collected interest and exchanged it at a later date, when it was a little more balanced.

    Joseph Philippe Pierre Yves Elliott Trudeau's personal motto was "Reason before passion." Do you suppose Maggie knew that before or after her overnighter with Teddy?

    Paul, God will Bless American, you save the Queen. LOL


  10. Wade: The Canadian dollar is currently worth more than the American. There was an article about it in today's paper, which I cut out: "Loonie will stay at par with U.S. dollar: Flaherty", Thursday, January 13, 2011. The Canadian dollar is worth $1.0154 US. I know that the Canadian dollar was worth more than the American for part of the time that Trudeau was in power. I'll check into it and get back to you. Trudeau and you were in agreement concerning the Queen and the monarchy I think. He used to walk past my front door twice a day going to and from work downtown, after he retired from politics. He never had any body guards and he always had a smile for everybody. He was a really nice man. I also think that his rival, Joe Clark, the leader of the Progressive-Conservative Party back then, is a decent man. I wish he were still Prime Minister today. I think that Fidel Castro sat next to Jimmy Carter at Trudeau's funeral. By the way that street I mentioned is du Musee Ave. The Soviet Consulate was right across the street from me. One day it caught on fire. The Russians did'nt want to let the fire dept. into their compound. As regards the dollar maybe they can replace the Queen's image with Mordecai Richler's. Would that be more to your liking? I saw two documentaries recently about Mordecai Richler, and I was telling Mary Ann that he must have been in the same high school class as William Shatner. They were both born in 1931 and attended Baron Byng High School. There was some talk recently of making William Shatner Governor-General of Canada, and there seems to be some confusion over who is the head of state in Canada, the Governor-General or the Queen. Wade. did you say that white tigers are deaf? Sincerely Paul

  11. Wade, I found an article which confirms that the Canadian dollar was worth more than the American when Trudeau was Prime Minister: Canadian Dollar Trades Equal to U.S. for First Time Since 1976-Bloomberg: I hope I got that address right. Wade you sure know a lot about Canada. Did the Toronto Zoological Society pay you in loonies? You should have kept all of your ill gotten loonies in a bin. Sincerely Paul

  12. Wade: I think you got that backward when you said "1 Washington=0.985647 Queen." 1 Queen is worth more than a "Washington" right now. Thanks for the e-mail. I'm almost out of time here. Sincerely Paul

  13. Paul,
    Yes I said deaf, and I may be remiss and should have said deafness, as "deaf" may elude to a complete loss of hearing, and I was meaning "varying degree of hearing loss, up to and including possibly, complete deafness."
    Didn't we have this discussion a few years ago, on the "history channel?" After half a life of studying, granted not scientifically, but from a lay perspective, closely White Tigers and given what has been written about domestic feline's with blue eyes, I have come to the conclusion that White Tigers suffer varying degrees of hearing loss, which will produce misinterpreted behaviors attributed to "inbreeding". I believe the degree are varying, just as the visual pathway defects may be as little as almost non existent to severely crossed, again, producing misinterpreted behaviors attributed to "inbreeding".
    I spent many years in Canada Paul, and I like the country very much. How could you not love a country who during the Vietnam War years, offered to take every draft dodging, peace loving, flower power, free love, responsibility shirking hippie off of America's welfare payroll, and shelter their miserable souls!!!! That's a no brainer Paul, and next to France's thank you statue of liberty to the United States the International Peace Gardens may see like small potato's to you, but rest assured, we are grateful.
    The Toronto Zoo gig was different from the Marineland gig. The corporation that contracted the Pig Show to Toronto, had spent a number of years in the United States, and realizing that there was only one person in the world able to connect mentally on an equal level with a porcine, and that person lived on American dollars, and had gotten smarter since he had accepted half loons in the mid 70's, would only make the trip to his neighbor in the north for greenbacks.

  14. Wade: Yes we did discuss this once before because there was something in the Sports Illustrated article about white tigers being hard of hearing, and Bagheera being completely deaf as well as cross-eyed, but I wanted to make sure I understood what you were saying on that topic. Have you heard about the white tailed deer which are all white with blue eyes? I read that they don't hear too well and don't hear you until you are up close to them. It was Charles Darwin who first noticed that white, blue eyed, cats tend to be deaf, and blue eyed Dalmatians, and other white, blue eyed animals are sometimes deaf. I've heard of white cats with just one blue eye being deaf just in the ear which is on the same side as the blue eye. Thanks for the information. Sincerely Paul

  15. Paul,
    I believe I stated that may have been misquoted or misunderstood by the use of the all encompassing term "deaf" in the SI article, as I stated the use of a horrid picture of Frosty was not authorized.
    One of the main reasons I am so critical of field research results is that they often are nothing more then speculation based on an agenda or how you want your findings to be interpreted. If it is someday proven "scientifically" that the fabled elephant grave yards, where they go to die, to be among their "kin", are nothing more then a long dried up alkaline, poison water hole in which 30 unfortunate creatures drank and died, or some other natural phenomena, will the agenda biased researchers tell us that, and publish their findings, or will they "forget" and lead the unsuspecting world to their agenda. All I can base my thoughts on white tigers is "field research" or the wonderful half a life time chance to live, breed and breath them(which is why contrary to what Mary Ann tries to convince me, I KNOW that like people they are not all equal. LOL) basing what I observed on published proven scientific documents and papers. I think I stated to you a couple of years ago, that I was put off by the uneducated statements of inbreed, went crazy or had mental problems, etc. etc. Those are easy alibis for inexperience, ineptness, and just not knowing any better.
    Bagheera, Baggy, Bags one of the early white tigers who's parentage has been questioned often in many forums was one of the most severely cross eyed(I also have some opinions on the direction of the cross) white tigers I was ever around. Additionally I also would bet a bag full of loonies based on nothing but observation that she had a "severe degree" hearing loss. She also never gave birth or ever came into estrous. Mitchell Bush and colleagues wrote a brilliant paper on "genetic bottlenecks" if you recall. For folks that want to read a true scientific, no nonsense, unbiased field research paper with no agenda other then finding the answer and getting to the bottom of it, type Mitchell Bush in the search bar at the top left of the blog.


  16. Wade, I almost missed this. Thank you for the information. I thought there were two reasons why people thought that elephants had graveyards. One was that they carry the bones and skulls of their dead with them, and ignore the remains of other animals. I think I've seen this on TV, or is it a myth? Then there was their habit of going into caves to ingest salt I think. By the way I think those hippies you were talking about all got rich and became Republicans. Canada was acting as a safety valve for the United States during the Vietnam War. The US asked Canada to take draft dodgers so that they would'nt have to deal with the problem, and prosecute all of those people. As far as I know I have never met anybody who came up here as a draft dodger. They all went home after the war. Jimmy Carter gave them amnesty. There were other ways to avoid going to Vietnam besides going to Canada. You can ask Cheney and Bush about that. I think that during the Vietnam War Canada did what it was told. I have sometimes wondered what would have happened if the US had won the war. I think if this had happened nobody would have done anything about the genocide in Cambodia because Vietnam is the only country which did. It's possible that had the US won the war the genocide would not have happened, or maybe then the US would have intervened, but the way it was only Vietnam stepped up to the plate and did anything, shutting down the killing fields, while the rest of the world did nothing. It's ironic that Cambodia is no longer communist because of Vietnam. Vietnam and China have also abandoned communism. They are communist in name only. As for France the United States owes its existence to France (and Spain) because they sided with America in the Revolutionary War. The American Revolution, and the founding fathers, were inspired by the writings of the French philosophes. The US owes everything to France. Thanks again. Sincerely Paul

  17. PS: Tony had at least two siblings which were cross-eyed just on one side (if I'm making any sense). Just in one eye turned inward toward the nose. So Bagheera was not completely deaf. That's interesting. Sincerely Paul

  18. PS: There was also a dog on a TV show, a white husky with blue eyes, which was deaf. Sincerely Paul

  19. Paul,
    Boy, have you spent too much time in Montreal!!!! You don't even know fact from fiction any more.
    Jimmy Carter gave the shirking hippies amnesty to boost peanut sales due to the making of peanut butter, which was their main source of nutrition next to pot laced brownies. France started the deal in Vietnam, and was more then happy to "tap out" to the United States, when we rode to their rescue. France has never helped anybody with anything, unless they had something to gain, and in regards to "help" during the Revolutionary War, where we gave the Queen a beat down, it was the shrimp industry in Louisiana they were after, historically a great complement to a Bordeaux. There but for the grace of God, France's agent Benedict Arnold almost got away with the scheme. By the way where did Benny crawl away to die, Paul?
    Wade Burck

  20. Wade, I'm pretty sure that Benedict Arnold, if I'm spelling his name right, died in England. Sincerely Paul

  21. Paul,
    You might be right. I sometimes get Canada and England confused, what with them both having a Prime Mister, as well as Queen Elizabeth on their currency. Sorry.


  22. Wade, I wanted to say a lot more here, but I am uncertain of my facts. I think that when the French were still fighting in Vietnam the United States was paying for it, and they were using French Foreign Legion troops, which were mostly former SS. I also think that Benedict Arnold captured Montreal for the United States, and that during the American occupation of Montreal, Benjamen Franklin came up and founded the Montreal Gazette, but I'm not sure about that. I think it may have been Benjamen Franklin, or maybe Mark Twain, who said that you could'nt throw a brick in Montreal without smashing a church window. The US thought that Canada would become the 14th state. Canada back then was Quebec or New France. America's last monarch was a king, not a queen, George III. I also read somewhere that the US Congress asked Frederick the Great's brother to become King of America, but he took so long making up his mind they went ahead with fresh presidential elections. I don't know whether that's true either. I saw a documentary recently which said that they were having peace negotiations while the war dragged on, and Britain planned to give America the Niagara Peninsula, but then they, the British, won a great naval victory, and that was followed by a string of victories by the British, including holding on to Gibraltar and inflicting heavy casualties on the Spanish. The British, who had hoped to buy America's friendship with the Niagara Peninsula, and win her as an ally, regained their confidence, and decided to keep it. Otherwise when you worked at the Toronto Zoo, and at Marineland & Game Farm, you would still have been in the United States. You are probably right about France's actions being self serving in the Revolutionary War, except that they bankrupted themselves. Sincerely Paul

  23. Paul,
    Brilliant clinic, protect and cover yourself at all costs. Come armed with a load of facts, that you are not sure of, and a lot of statements that you think are true, but don't quote me. LOL

    What gorilla link are you talking about. I will save the comment you posted on the wrong thread, and post it at the gorilla clip that you want. Let me know.

  24. Wade, I meant to send or post that other message under the video of the man being attacked by the gorilla because he had the orphan baby gorilla, although in truth I don't think the gorilla actually touched him. I tried to e-mail you an article about the lady with HIV from a gorilla, but I don't know whether it went through. The link was Tell me if this does'nt work and I'll find it for you again. By the way the pygmy elephant which died in 1915 in the Bronx Zoo is specimen 35591 in the American Museum Of Natural History. They have its skeleton. There's a photograph of it at the Bronx Zoo in the book. The authors claim that expeditions in the early 20th century collected pygmy elephants for European and American zoos. They say that between 1960 and 1970 there were pygmy elephants in the Kanshasa Zoo in Zaire and in the private presidential zoo in Totota, Liberia, which did not grow. West German Ambassador Harold Nestroy photographed a group of six pygmy elephants, which included two juveniles, in the Congo. I mentioned this previously. He used a great egret to show that the largest of the herd was no more than five feet at the shoulder. The juvenile animals were the size of sheep dogs, according to him. Afterward he photographed forest elephants and forest bufallo. Ufiti was the name of the strange chimpanzee which went to Chester Zoo in March of 1964. Basel Zoo thought they were getting a Koolokamba or gorilla-like chimpanzee in 1967. I believe that Antwerp Zoo had three of these. There's a picture of Bernard Heuvelmans, the father of cryptozoology, in the book. He is holding a gorilla named Kaisi, who looks like an Eastern Lowland Gorilla. I'll check and see if that one was on Bjorn's list. Sincerely Paul

  25. I would like to find out whether the brother of Frederick the Great was asked by the US Congress to become King of America. Sincerely Paul

  26. The gorilla I mentioned previously is not on Bjorn's list. Sincerely Paul

  27. Paul,
    I assumed if I threw a little "research applause" Bjorn's direction that would get you mounted up, with your skivvies in a wad, and riding off into the research stratosphere. Nice job, you didn't disappoint. An academic duel is indeed enlightening and educational.

  28. I was'nt implying that Bjorn was wrong. It could be that the photograph was miscaptioned, or I was mistaken in thinking that the gorilla was an Eastern Lowland Gorilla. I remember reading about some gorillas which were given to Israel by the dictator of the Central African Republic, but these must have been Western Lowland Gorillas. Sincerely Paul PS: There was speculation at one time that a pygmy gorilla existed.

  29. I think that story about the US Congress asking Frederick the Great's brother to become King of America might be true, because I also heard that another member of their family was offered the throne of Romania, and that he accepted. When I looked on the internet I saw that the Prussian and Romanian royal families have the same last name. I also read that another member of their family was offered the Spanish throne, but declined. There was a Danish prince in the 1800s who was offered the Greek throne, and he accepted. He was only seventeen and was attending a naval academy. He took his lunch to school, which was an oily fish sandwich wrapped in a newspaper. When he unwrapped it he saw in the newspaper that he had been chosen to be King of Greece. His brother was offered the Bulgarian throne, but declined thinking it might bring him into conflict with his brother who was King of Greece. Another Danish prince was offered the Norwegian throne and accepted it. Sincerely Paul
