Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The strange and mysterious human perception and thought process.

Each year this same time of the year dozens and dozens of zoo's have Santa Claus set up Reindeer displays, if they don't have their own reindeer to use, and not one outcry, not one hubris of distain, not one charge of "close the users of animal life down." It is expected, encouraged, and looked forward to by members of their communities. Why is that, why is the world not up in arms at the "cruelty" of it. What would happen if Santa Clause was contracted to do a tiger show? What if Santa was contracted to do a show with his "Chimpanzee elves." Or horror of horror's what if Santa was contracted to do show's with Dumbo the Red Nosed Elephant and his hind leg walking, tub sitting friends? What if Santa arrived in a howda to had out gifts? Would it be received, welcomed and loved as much as the reindeer? Why or why not? Why can't a reindeer catch a break? Is there a Save the Reindeer from the Evilness of Performing Fund that I am not aware of? Is there a phony feel good organization like TES or PAWS that "rescues" the North Pole 12 from it's shackles of slavery and inservitude? Come on human race, it is time to listen to the Johnny Paycheck song, and fess up and come to confession.


  1. 1) I'm pretty sure there's no such word as "inservitude" and I'm not even sure what it would mean, if there was one.
    2) There are plenty of people and organizations out there opposing the use of reindeer in these situations. They may not get as much press as the ones that oppose elephants or tigers used for shows, but that doesn't mean they aren't there.

  2. Well said.It is true and it is something I have always said to the public when quizzed on the use of exotics in public displays/demonstrations.We continue to use horses for gambling and until the anti's begin to realise the hypocrisy of it all we will continue to talk about this until our last breath.
    Merry xmas and Cheers ay.

  3. Unrelated bullfighting material:

  4. Wade,

    It is always very refreshing to read your blog posts and your comments. 99% of the time I catch myself agreeing with it or having a similar opinion. Keep up the "political correctness". Merry Christmas to you and your family and a Happy New Year.

  5. Marco,
    Thank you for the kind words, and thank you for your insight on issues we have discussed, in particular on the "Hagenbeck human zoo" issue. Your thoughtful, intelligent insight gave me personally food for thought and a different perspective on the issue. I look at the practice much differently now, then I did in the past. As is the mission of this blog, "Debate and discussion even amongst themselves opens a window where there wasn't one before" hopefully that is the way it will work for everybody. Don't worry about "political correctness" you cabbage head. It is what I am about, and "pc" is my middle name.
    Have a safe and Merry Christmas Marco. To appreciate how beautiful the holiday can be, folks need to be fortunate to spend one in Germany.

  6. Anonymous nitwit,
    No offense to the term "nitwit" intended. I use it for everyone who say's something stupid, and is ashamed to put their name on said stupid something. That out of the way, "servitude-state of subjection to an owner or master or forced labor imposed as punishment." Damn, read your out of context/doctored propaganda. In servitude means you are the one getting your ass subjugated. Inservitude means either my space bar stuck, or I hit it candy ass and it didn't move to he next space. Or, I made it up. John Milton said it was alright to make things up, and TES set the standard with PTS Syndrome in elephants, as well as the current rash of elephants playing in the water being twisted to suggest a Coast Guard rescue on the high seas. Why is press important if your agenda is righteous and noble? Could that be why Ringling is so popular? Always a lot more press there for the big animal walk, then there is at Farmer Fred's Veal Operation in Podunk, Wisconsin. You all have lost steam, and to get it going you need to contact the women in the link PK sent, suckling the calf and put her in the catbird seat, and get rid of "tan my ass and make a set of Samsonite" Newkirk. Beside not even being able to make a decent truckers wallet out of her bony vegan ass, the women nursing the calf seems to have all the right ideas going on, most importantly natural mothers milk, which if I am understanding the leaning way to the left, ready to tip over I am leaning so far left propaganda, will make the calf smart as an Einstein. Or at least superior to a bottle jugged moron.
    How come the reindeer champions don't get as much press as the elephant and tiger show champions? That's what we are trying to figure out here? Maybe they should bitch slap a wise man or a Sheik off his camel first to get the ball rolling?
    What do you think, Anonymous nitwit? We are all ears. Give the movement a much need "shot in the arm." Prove to us you deserve righteous support with your facts, and not just an increase in meds and a more secure straight jacket.
