Team Felicia Publicist Barbara Hoffman urges everybody to get to the polls, in the upcoming election. Bring the wife, your mother, your grandfather, bring your dog and cat. Let's get our boy, P.T. into the office he deserves, and eliminate the foul excuse for a democracy that currently oppress us. God Bless America, you gotta love Show biz.
My fellow Americans:
I really didn't think you'd get it, there is more than a hint of sarcasm in this post...
I really didn't think you'd get it, there is more than a hint of sarcasm in this post...
Instead of saying how truly sorry you are as an adult and this hate crime against a child, which is exactly what this is, you bring it all back to you...
Sure Felicia attacked you and used the 'wrong words', this to be expected of someone her age when attacked so blatantly on a blog...I don't care if you think deserved and maybe IF she was an adult you would be justified but she's NOT!!!
This is how a 16-17 year old strikes back...what did you expect; words of praise?!?
This is how a 16-17 year old strikes back...what did you expect; words of praise?!?
I'm not 'Team Felicia', I just know right from wrong and apparently you ignore the fact.
I don't have a problem with your costumes that you wore back in the day...but IF as you say, then give us a picture you are a bit more proud of.
Burke, it was one thing to attack me at a time when I needed 'something else' but you sit there and judge all these seizures as the end result of animal abuse and not investigate and get to the facts of the matter...you never had this happen to you so you are great...and you attacked me for things I said...fine but what you neglected to report was that there were assault riffles and threats of handcuffs and jail...What you neglected to say was we were taken to jail and abused by the government the entire time. You did not ask questions and instead of receiving any sympathy, I was ridiculed by someone in the industry that at the time, I still felt humbled by my peers which led to a complete breakdown and only now beginning to recover...Yes Burke, you contributed to the stress and my lack of ability to deal with it...and I have known better to stay away...emotionally unable to handle the blows any longer and after six months of bedrest, yes, six months of bedrest, I am only now, 10 months later beginning to recover from the entire ordeal...
We were taken to jail and there for a week turning down offers of what they would do for me giving up ownership of my cats...holding on to life and finally giving in because of the human abuse going on thru the whole thing and continued in that jail. Fred was held in that jail for a full week, completely denied his rights to communicate properly, no phone calls and NEVER charged him at all!!! Why not report these facts. Ahhh, but you didn't...Instead you attacked me and only contributed to the stress...and this no pity party Burke, these are facts.
I strongly believe what you are doing to Felicia is so wrong!!! I believe this should ALL be removed from your blog; it's a hate crime of an underage girl.
Now I've given you enough to go after me so do that if it gives you pleasure but not a teenager who may have at one time admired you and now crushed by you...
I don't know what started this, don't care and hope you will have the good sense and intelligence to remove it.
If you didn't like the costume, publish a better picture of yourself...why promote something you didn't care much for...
On my blog I have posted pictures I don't care much for too...like pictures of me being forced by them digging up my dead lionand after his body is exposed they bring in a back hoe to finish the job and hang him like a hunter might after making a great kill and dropping this animal to the ground out of the grave extremely close to the rest of the animals...but if I hadn't there would be no documentation of their actions...and I believe these things need to be known to stop the madness...posting the picture had purpose,
I can only imagine their intention was to have that dead lion lying there when the press arrived that they had invited to join them so there would be a big stink of it all...
Hey, attack me for the lion dying...attack me for posting the pictures but don't go on and on about this young girl.
But I might not respond, damn, where would be the fun of that and hey, this woman has endured more stress and sadness in a short period of time...what really would be or is the funn of that?!?
Burke,I hope you never have to endure such sadness in your life and that if you do, you will be able to hold up and handle it better than I have...And no Burke, not feeling sorry for myself...just feeling bad period...and hoping that too doesn't change the pace of your attacks...Go for it baby, come and get me and leave her alone. Your house, your rules...so no point in me attacking back...
I myself NEVER understand people attacking people for who they are especially at a time in their life when they are feeling badly but if you have nothing better to do come and get me...DON'T scare a young girl who obviously is hurt by it...
You know the path to my blog...pick and choose, have at it...think you even are 'my friend' on FB...if not 'friend me' or send a message to come to this blog...right now it stinks here...
Speaking of stink, did you read their claims that I do?!? Go for it...Did you read the press?!? See the news?!? Did you collect it for future reference?!? Not necessary, just google my name and tigers...it all surfaces...Even your blog will appear I am sure...falling just below the AR posts and blogs...now armed take your anger on the world take it out on me but NOT A CHILD!!!
Don't care what you do with this but hope you stop and think before you do anything more to 'defame people'...I am so sorry that none of us ever reached your level of fame, could anyone?!? What about Adam?!? Do your words help him or harm him as you attack others?!? Think about him if not for yourself and look at it this way Burke, I now think more of what I have accompolished and lost than your claim to fame...There you go attack that!!!
Well said B. Hoffman . HR.
ReplyDeleteI never said I didn't like the costume. I loved it. It was one of the finest ever worn in the center ring of the Greatest Show On Earth.. I thought it was Felicia that didn't like it?
Wade Burck
HR Pufnstuf,
ReplyDeleteI meant to welcome you earlier, but something came up. Sorry. How's the Mayor of Living Island today? I hope fine, because we have a problem brewing in St. Louis, and I was hoping you and your pal, fellow Mayor Francis G. Slay could sit done and hash it out mano a mono, and come to an amicable compromise, before I have to turn it over to Team Frisco. Nobody want's that, so do what you can. If transportation is a problem, let me know and I will arrange for a Vroom Broom.
ReplyDeleteI should have expected a kids puppet show reference from you. let me guess your a big Miley Cyrus fan to ?(for obvious reasons)
Wade your time should be spent in better ways than posting negative items about a under age teen girl ....
HR Pufnstuf,
ReplyDeleteNow your ranged up!!!! Don't worry about Witchiepoo running against you in the Living Island election. Even if she try's some of that Love Witchiepoo potion, Dr. Blinky has your back with an antidote(that means a substance to counteract Love Witchiepoo potion.) I kinda tolerate Witchiepoo, although she nick's stuff, but I don't care for Miley Cyrus at all. She is very immature and vulgar, not at all like a young lady should act. Now Lady GaGa, there's the bomb. That broad has it going on, with class, sophistication and elegance.
Mayor, last offer. How about if I arrange for a Vroom Broom AND 10 buttons. How about that? I really need you to take care that deal in St. Louis.
Anonymous... U wanna call them animal abuser were u to witness any of this?? & if your so sure they are why don"t u post your name!! & wade how come u don't post what u say to this girl!! Why cant u be The bigger man
ReplyDeleteTake you foot out of your mouth, I can't understand a thing you are saying. What girl? Tell Babs, I am not taking this thread down, as she requested, but I added a disclaimer for her. I don't like it being insinuated that I am an unreasonable person, because I do compromise. I hope she can sleep better, and get off the meds.
under age girl??? If she wants to play with the adults she should expect to get ridiculed just like an adult. If its too much for her to handle - she should just 'take her bat and ball and go home'