A Blog designed for discussion of topics related to, but not limited to, Circus, Zoos, Animal Training, and Animal Welfare/Husbandry. Sometimes opening up the dialog is the best starting point of all. And if for nothing else when people who agree and don't agree, get together and start discussing it, it will open up a lot of peoples minds. Debate and discussion even amongst themselves opens a window where there wasn't one before.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
The Russian Circus's greatest gift to the American Circus
For Show Biz Dave and all you other nitwit's who chastise and scorn the noble art of hula hooping, all I have to say is nut's to you!!!!!! Next to the arrival of Gunther Gebel Williams on American shores, hula hoop act's are the greatest thing to happen to the Ameican Circus. Bar none. Followed only by scarf juggling.
Plus, how many hula hoop acts are styled by a half dozen Ukranian mail order brides?