Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Ringling Bros.--2009

If you can imagine, in this world of mega business's failings, bailed out with the aid of the United States citizen's, Kenneth Feld is chastised and rode hard and put up wet on the "history channel" for being wildly successful by downsizing!!!! How dare he!!!! Doesn't this "townie," and his heir's know they have a moral and righteous obligation to tank for the good of circus legacy, by keeping it colossal, stupendous, humongous, bigger then shit, better then the rest etc. etc. Yet a show like Big Apple Circus, which has survived on the above mentioned "bailouts" is wished the best and the hand's are wrung in concern as their life preserver is reeled back into the boat. Carson and Barnes, Cole Bros. Kelly-Miller etc. are touted as "trouper's to the end", as they go from 5 rings, to 3 rings, to starting and staying at one ring. One thing I have found in the circus is, you don't want to be too sucessful, not unless you want a boot broke off in your ass, no sir.

In case nobody has noticed, there is a lot of that "downsizing" deal going on, and maybe Pepsico which owns Tropicana, Taco Bell, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Pizza Hut, Quaker Oats, needs to be chastised for their cold blooded, vicious unconcern for "we, the American People". They need to stop, and stop right now, combining Taco Bell, KFC, and Pizza Hut into one building, which makes good business sense, and keep it seperate in three even if it means crapping out and busting the bank. Carson and Barnes, Cole Bros. Kelly-Miller can do that because they are troupers, but you can't Pepsico and Kenneth Feld. No sir, you idiot's who know nothing at all about business, and even have to have people advise you about it, need to get with the program so that us folks, who have a right to eat a fine piece of fried chicken without standing in line behind some goof waiting for a taco or a pizza, and have a birth right to view the biggest circus in the world can have what is ours!!!!! Pepsico, you have no right to package Captain Crunch in 1.00 boxes to compete with the lesser brands of product. No sir, you suck it up and stay with the 5.00 crowd of Captain Crunch buyers. Or at the very least have the courtesy to do what the trouper circus producer has done. Provide and produce a shit product if you are going to compete and sell it for a lesser price. Don't package the same high dollar product in a smaller box 1.00 box, it isn't good business. If you want to keep us happy, and still be successful, you need to throw a handful of rehashed corn and oat's into that 1.00 box and market us folks right, so we think we are eating Captain Crunch. The same goes for you Kenneth Feld and family. Quit listening to those folks who know nothing about a circus business. Quit putting that high dollar Captain Crunch in a 1.00 box. Do what's right, do it the Trouper way like Carson and Barnes, Cole Bros, Kelly-Miller etc. etc. Throw a hand full of rehashed corn and oat's into a 5.00 box, so we can enjoy a good breakfast of make believe Capt. Crunch. At least until you need BAC's life jacket, and good luck with that.


  1. You need to figure out how to get "like" buttons on here so I can like this

  2. You need to get a "like" button on here so I can like this.

  3. Greta,
    Yes, I heard you the first time.

