Tuesday, October 19, 2010

British Circus Paper

Who in the heck was "The Great Carmo?"

Margate Football Ground, North Down, Margate, England July 22, 1929


  1. This in from my mate John Cooper, who for some reason is not able to access nospin. He must not be aware of the "Punica granatum tax",(similar to a tea tax, but different) I added, to help British subject's to log on easier. That said:

    Hi, Wade.
    For some reason the system won't accept my comments on No Spin at the moment, so.... Carmo was Harry Cameron, a notable illusionist. At one point he went into partnership with a leading circus proprietor of the day (name escapes me). Two circuses under the Carmo name suffered burn downs!
    Sanger was certainly a major name in British circus. You will be aware of the act called "Old Regnas". Regnas is Sanger spelt backwards. No doubt you'll be interested to know that "Lord" George sanger was murdered by somebody called Cooper!! No relation. And as it's a British publication, it's a programme and not a program! Tsk!!!

    All the Best, John.

  2. John,
    Ballacks!! You can't help yourself, can you? You have to have a go at my boys with your size 10 wellie. "As it is a British publication, it's a programme and not a program!" Well, I don't think the little bit is even a PROGRAMME. I think it is a piece of shit. Or is that shat, as it's a British publication? TSK!!! or in Colonial English, WTF!!! The information about Lord George is appreciated but the rest is a cock up.

    All the best, Wade

  3. Anonymous,
    Thank you for the correction. I looked it up in the Queen's Bloody Proper Olde English Dictionary, and it said "shite-the action or product of" and "shat--past tense of shite". Either way, I think the Centenial programme was a crock(ie.Colonial vessel for storing liquid) of it.
