Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Is this act still around?


Anonymous said...

Yes it was first at Circo Americano Faggioni then at Circul Globus and now it as at a circus in Russia but I don't know witch.


Raffaele De Ritis said...

The act is produced by the Circus Globus from Bucharest, and it is supposed to be Sstill around somewhere. Yes, probably in some Russian building.

Pierre said...

this act is presented by Stefan Plesoianu.

Steve said...

Wade - this act is on YouTube.

You will never forget it if you see it!!!

Anonymous said...

those 2 male lions sure look kind of stressed in the two clips i have seen on youtube, i am not revering to the so called lion attack video.


Wade G. Burck said...

I posted all three of the you tubes, including the "attack" clip on the blog earlier. ALL of the animals look very stressed for what little they actually do, not just the lions. I saw this act at the early start of it's training, when the animal's were long yearlings, and I predicted it was doomed then. Unfortunately for him he is not a women, so he can't use that alibi, or the cute and charming patch. What I saw at the beginning was an advocate for regulation and monitoring of what is occurring behind the scenes at the tradition bound circus. An animals action's will prove out their training and handling with rare exception.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the valuble info you gave on this act, now i can look at it again and see it for what it is, althoug i was feeling kind of proud that i couldt make out the stressed lions, i stil have mutch to learn about animal training.


Wade G. Burck said...

Being able to recognize stress/discomfort in the animals that you see performing is very important. Being able to recognize the "levels" or different stress's is also important. As an example, apprehension in a new or inexperienced performer is a type of stress, that is normal and will go away very quickly if the presenter/trainer is skilled. As the public/fans recognize the different actions of the animals, hopefully they will applaud only the skilled trainers, and eliminate the poor ones, regardless of whether they are nice, good looking, cute and charming, macho, sexy, etc. and then much of the negativity towards animal training will be eliminated.