Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What in the world are we doing to ourselves, or letting other's do to us !!!!!!!!

I was waiting for someone to make a connection in regards to Mr. Lacey's problems with the elephants. Either no one did, or no one wanted to acknowledge it. In either case maybe a recap is in order, to understand how you become a soft target, and how impossible it is to make head way in a battle, when you insist on shooting yourself in the foot. We better start being concerned with the future of the animal training industry, and not just getting what's good for us today, as individuals. For further insight type Prince Albert or OABA or ECA in the search box. On May 29th I suggested the Born Free Foundation might have an agenda in regards to the incident above. That's Prince Albert, ruler of Monaco, where the "world circus festival" is held each year that he attends. He invited McKenna to lunch, where he agreed to release the zoo's leopards to Born Free. Other animals, including a camel and a hippo, would be released later. What do you think Chris Baltrop, the Born Free Foundation is in your backyard. Is it still a good deal to suck up to Monaco, as it gives us class and validity? This photo above was taken on January 7, 2008

The way I understand it, and correct me if I am wrong, but in a Democracy Albert would be the President, Caroline would be the Vice President, and Stephanie would be the Secretary of State. What kind of message would have been sent about zoo's, circus, and animals in captivity if the President had driven the truck as well as applauded the elephant confiscations?
What kind of message does the circus industry send to the world by holding their "world circus festial" in Monaco, where the President/head of state/Royal Ruler what ever has publicly stated captivity is wrong, and endorsed the Born Free Foundation by donating "captive and ex-confiscated circus leopards to them, for "release in their native land, where they belong."
What kind of message could the circus have sent to the world, by not only discrediting what took place, but boycotting Monaco and it's Head of States, and holding the "world circus festival" in another more "friendly" location around the world? Should Mr. Lacey's lump's and every circus who has to answer to Born Free's allegations be what they had coming?

For any new reader who may not know, one of the people in this picture having a photo op with the Princess is the President of OABA the American organization representing animals in the American Circus. The photo of the "partnering up/endorsing was taken less then 2 weeks after the photo at the top of the Prince wishing the leopards "Bon Voyage." The mob above is writing protocal for animals in captivity/circus while the head of it all is releasing them to an animal rights grou/sanctuary???? Again the anonymous responses stand, if you don't suggest I am an jealous for bringing it up. I would rather you convince me we have not damaged our industry and continue to damage our industry by sucking up to this Monarcy, and if never having another "world circus festival" would not be better, then holding it here. Or ask the Born Free Foundation if it is a good idea to keep doing it the way we have been doing it?

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