Friday, May 29, 2015


PICTURE AND TEXT from page 31 of "Animal Life and the World of Nature; A magazine of Natural History" (1902)

If it is required to train a wolf up to be a household pet, a bitch cub should be selected, preferably one just weaned, as being quieter and practically free from all smell. Teasing should be rigorously avoided and a sharp look-out kept on the animal's behavior with children, as many otherwise docile wolves have an antipathy to children and are untrustworthy when in their company. Some years ago a very fine European wolf was presented to the Zoological Gardens; it was reared by hand, and was most tame and confiding. It lived in the house and followed its master just like a dog all about the country roads. But on one occasion it caught sight of a child running in the distance, and at once made after it in that loping, tireless gallop which is a characteristic of the wolf; fortunately it was overtaken before it came up with the child, otherwise there is little doubt it would have seriously injured the youngster. A young wolf cub can be bought for three or four pounds in May or June from almost any of the animal dealers and from some of the Zoos, such as the London or Rotterdam Gardens. Smaller than the common wolf, and equally, if not more, suitable for a pet, particularly for ladies, is tire coyote. Owing to its thicker and longer fur and more bushy tail, the coyote appears to be a much larger animal than it really is. The howl of this animal is different from that of the grey wolf. It is a matter of doubt among many scientists as to whether the common or grey wolf (Ganis lupus) and the North American timber wolf (Ganis occidental is) are specifically distinct. Personally, as a pet I prefer the look of the North American animal. It is now generally accepted that the Esquimaux dog is but a reclaimed or domesticated wolf, in just the same way as the Hare Indian dog is presumed to be a domesticated descendant—through association with human beings—of the coyote (Ganis la trans). The white variety of wolf, as may be seen, is a very beautiful-looking creature, but unfortunately anything but common, and a good price would have to be paid by a would-be possessor for an example—say fifteen or twenty pounds, just about double the cost of an ordinary grey wolf when- adult.

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